Удален по просьбе правообладателя
Урок 1. 00:04:56Setup
Урок 2. 00:02:52License, Code of Conduct, & README
Урок 3. 00:08:19Exercise: Creating the Code of Conduct and License.
Урок 4. 00:08:50NPM Configuration and NPM Init
Урок 5. 00:03:41Exercise: Creating the Library
Урок 6. 00:02:02Creating the Library Solution
Урок 7. 00:02:49ESLint
Урок 8. 00:13:15Exercise: Linting the Library
Урок 9. 00:12:54Exercise: Setting Up Mocha & Chai
Урок 10. 00:09:59Exercise: Writing Unit Tests
Урок 11. 00:07:41Writing Unit Tests Solution
Урок 12. 00:04:32Code Coverage
Урок 13. 00:13:40Configuring NYC
Урок 14. 00:03:39Git Hooks
Урок 15. 00:08:03Exercise: Creating a Validate Script
Урок 16. 00:04:00Transpiling
Урок 17. 00:13:00Installing & Configuring Babel
Урок 18. 00:07:01Ignoring and Copying Files
Урок 19. 00:11:22Sending the Distribution to NPM
Урок 20. 00:06:18Babel Register & Istanbul
Урок 21. 00:11:04Exercise: Adding Babel Register & Istanbul
Урок 22. 00:11:06Universal JavaScript with Webpack
Урок 23. 00:10:41Adding & Configuring Webpack
Урок 24. 00:09:54Peer Dependencies
Урок 25. 00:11:45Forking & Renaming
Урок 26. 00:06:46Moving to the Master Branch
Урок 27. 00:12:20Exercise: Setting up Travis CI
Урок 28. 00:12:54Exercise: Tracking Code Coverage with Codecov
Урок 29. 00:11:50Publishing to npmjs.com
Урок 30. 00:05:28Semantic Release
Урок 31. 00:06:41Semantic Versioning with NPM
Урок 32. 00:09:56Exercise: Automating Releases Part 1
Урок 33. 00:07:40Exercise: Automating Releases Part 2
Урок 34. 00:10:28Exercise: Using Commitizen
Урок 35. 00:11:51Browsing the Updated Library
Урок 36. 00:06:47The Open Source Community: Getting Started
Урок 37. 00:13:40The Open Source Community: Documentation & Issues
Урок 38. 00:07:27The Open Source Community: Getting Contributors
Урок 39. 00:02:11Resources