Урок 1. 00:02:47[Optional]: Course Preview
Урок 2. 00:06:30How to get help
Урок 3. 00:09:45How to start course at any lecture
Урок 4. 00:03:03Section Intro
Урок 5. 00:15:02Setting up the environment
Урок 6. 00:12:43Introduction to Variables
Урок 7. 00:16:20More about variables + Debugging
Урок 8. 00:19:51Functions Scope
Урок 9. 00:11:47Scoping
Урок 10. 00:13:01Const, let, var keywords
Урок 11. 00:09:40Car Refactor
Урок 12. 00:18:12Objects
Урок 13. 00:12:27Return value from function
Урок 14. 00:14:49Classes
Урок 15. 00:09:40Importing + Proto
Урок 16. 00:18:58IF Statements
Урок 17. 00:11:29Arrays
Урок 18. 00:19:57Iterations
Урок 19. 00:18:30Inheritance part 1
Урок 20. 00:12:26Inheritance part 2
Урок 21. 00:21:56Inheritance part 3
Урок 22. 00:19:56forEach, map & filter
Урок 23. 00:18:25Custom iterators
Урок 24. 00:15:49Get user input
Урок 25. 00:08:35Display user info
Урок 26. 00:07:26Switch
Урок 27. 00:17:06Car Storage
Урок 28. 00:13:55Car Manager
Урок 29. 00:14:43Remove car
Урок 30. 00:17:09Arrow functions + "this" context
Урок 31. 00:07:12More about arrow functions
Урок 32. 00:08:19Logical operators
Урок 33. 00:15:05Async code
Урок 34. 00:20:36Promise
Урок 35. 00:28:20Promise in detail
Урок 36. 00:16:57Observables
Урок 37. 00:24:31Custom observables
Урок 38. 00:04:34Unsubscribe from observable
Урок 39. 00:28:15Node Deep Dive
Урок 40. 00:01:10Section Introduction
Урок 41. 00:10:23Project Init
Урок 42. 00:14:54Folder Structure Explanation
Урок 43. 00:20:01Functional Components
Урок 44. 00:14:18Append Child + Functional Components
Урок 45. 00:16:44Counter App Component
Урок 46. 00:13:50Counter App State
Урок 47. 00:20:04Counter App class component
Урок 48. 00:10:46About the Props
Урок 49. 00:11:52Use Effect Hook
Урок 50. 00:13:37Generate color + handling of state
Урок 51. 00:08:12Use Callback hook
Урок 52. 00:05:09Memo
Урок 53. 00:25:43How does it work part 1
Урок 54. 00:31:53How does it work part 2
Урок 55. 00:00:55Section Intro
Урок 56. 00:14:19Bootstrap Framework
Урок 57. 00:12:02Small styling changes + REM units
Урок 58. 00:18:09Styling of navbar
Урок 59. 00:16:21SCSS Stylings
Урок 60. 00:08:27Rental home page
Урок 61. 00:17:06Iterate Rentals
Урок 62. 00:06:09Stylings for rental category
Урок 63. 00:01:31Section Introduction
Урок 64. 00:07:18Naive routing
Урок 65. 00:16:04Naive routing part 2
Урок 66. 00:14:19React router dom
Урок 67. 00:13:46React context store provider
Урок 68. 00:16:31High order component connect
Урок 69. 00:14:22Map state to props function
Урок 70. 00:15:27Redux store
Урок 71. 00:16:30Dispatch actions
Урок 72. 00:22:22Update state
Урок 73. 00:14:04Create rental action
Урок 74. 00:12:48Redux
Урок 75. 00:12:32Rental detail
Урок 76. 00:18:57Fetch rental
Урок 77. 00:06:40Helper functions
Урок 78. 00:12:02Font Awesome
Урок 79. 00:04:24Relative path to src
Урок 80. 00:00:50Section Outro
Урок 81. 00:00:56Section Introduction
Урок 82. 00:20:24Axios + Proxy
Урок 83. 00:14:26Promise support
Урок 84. 00:17:14Redux Thunk
Урок 85. 00:12:48Reducer refactor
Урок 86. 00:06:27Rental detail refactor
Урок 87. 00:01:30Section Intro
Урок 88. 00:04:16Login and Register page
Урок 89. 00:12:44Get values from login form
Урок 90. 00:10:25"Use Form" package on Login Form
Урок 91. 00:09:49Login Form Validation
Урок 92. 00:10:19Register form
Урок 93. 00:12:12Custom Validators
Урок 94. 00:08:26Error message component
Урок 95. 00:07:09Custom error message component
Урок 96. 00:00:43Section outro
Урок 97. 00:01:37Section Intro
Урок 98. 00:12:42Register user
Урок 99. 00:11:13Handle register errors
Урок 100. 00:08:43Login user
Урок 101. 00:20:36Auth Provider
Урок 102. 00:12:06Decode token + dispatch
Урок 103. 00:10:45Auth Reducer
Урок 104. 00:07:46Structural changes + "use Auth" hook
Урок 105. 00:15:06Check if user is authenticated
Урок 106. 00:08:01Logout + Secret page
Урок 107. 00:18:37Auth route
Урок 108. 00:08:12Guest route
Урок 109. 00:03:43Login message
Урок 110. 00:00:54Section Intro
Урок 111. 00:18:37Github introduction
Урок 112. 00:11:04Push changes to github
Урок 113. 00:19:10Branching
Урок 114. 00:01:22Section Intro
Урок 115. 00:16:17Map Component
Урок 116. 00:09:35Map Provider
Урок 117. 00:16:42Send geolocation request
Урок 118. 00:19:40Center map
Урок 119. 00:11:33Display markers on the map
Урок 120. 00:07:41Popup message on the map
Урок 121. 00:17:40Cache location
Урок 122. 00:01:21Section Intro
Урок 123. 00:14:46Controller to create rental
Урок 124. 00:04:05Fake DB Changes
Урок 125. 00:07:02Rental "new" page
Урок 126. 00:14:03Send request to create rental
Урок 127. 00:14:16Token interceptor
Урок 128. 00:05:46Refactor actions
Урок 129. 00:00:43Section Outro
Урок 130. 00:01:46Section Intro
Урок 131. 00:04:24Booking component
Урок 132. 00:12:23Date range picker component
Урок 133. 00:17:23Get and display date
Урок 134. 00:14:04Modal component
Урок 135. 00:13:51Modal improvements
Урок 136. 00:20:19Get booking nightly price
Урок 137. 00:14:08Create booking
Урок 138. 00:14:58Handle booked out dates
Урок 139. 00:16:04UX Improvements
Урок 140. 00:06:38Check if users is authorised to create booking
Урок 141. 00:06:41Display rental owner in detail page
Урок 142. 00:01:37Section Introduction
Урок 143. 00:07:46Handle search on server
Урок 144. 00:06:59Rental search page
Урок 145. 00:08:54New search component
Урок 146. 00:08:43Handle repeated search
Урок 147. 00:19:42Reusable reducer
Урок 148. 00:00:37Section Outro
Урок 149. 00:01:31149 - 11-react-rental-manage-Intro
Урок 150. 00:01:31Section Intro
Урок 151. 00:04:40Manage pages
Урок 152. 00:08:06Manage reducer
Урок 153. 00:08:14Display received rentals
Урок 154. 00:25:04Manage received bookings
Урок 155. 00:08:40Delete rental preparation
Урок 156. 00:15:17Delete rental final steps
Урок 157. 00:11:42Handle errors in delete rental
Урок 158. 00:18:10Delete booking
Урок 159. 00:08:04Make actions reusable
Урок 160. 00:02:26Section Intro
Урок 161. 00:13:28Update Rental on Server
Урок 162. 00:07:36Verify rental owner on Server
Урок 163. 00:07:30Rental edit page
Урок 164. 00:15:52Rental Guard
Урок 165. 00:14:38Editable Input Component
Урок 166. 00:05:26Editable stylings
Урок 167. 00:09:01Handle update of input
Урок 168. 00:17:30Update rental success
Урок 169. 00:11:51Display toast message in case of error
Урок 170. 00:08:32Transform view of input
Урок 171. 00:07:32Inline editable component
Урок 172. 00:09:54Editable textarea
Урок 173. 00:11:47Editable select
Урок 174. 00:12:12More reusability of editable component
Урок 175. 00:08:34UX Improvements
Урок 176. 00:07:16Fix map
Урок 177. 00:00:33Section Outro
Урок 178. 00:01:44Section Intro
Урок 179. 00:02:31Fix image display
Урок 180. 00:07:46File loader component
Урок 181. 00:07:16File loader styling
Урок 182. 00:13:07File Reader
Урок 183. 00:03:13Image styling
Урок 184. 00:10:58Image upload functionality
Урок 185. 00:12:42Handle image status
Урок 186. 00:08:09Cancel image
Урок 187. 00:08:02Spinner Component
Урок 188. 00:10:25Create rental with image
Урок 189. 00:16:12Image cropper component
Урок 190. 00:12:30File loader refactor
Урок 191. 00:16:57Get cropped area in base64
Урок 192. 00:17:08Uploading of cropped area
Урок 193. 00:17:13Increase quality of image
Урок 194. 00:16:32193 - 136-Editable-Image-Component
Урок 195. 00:16:32Editable image component
Урок 196. 00:13:29Editable image stylings
Урок 197. 00:02:49Update server response in Update
Урок 198. 00:14:23Uploading polishing
Урок 199. 00:20:33Production server updates
Урок 200. 00:12:35Setting up production variables
Урок 201. 00:13:54Deployment to Heroku
Урок 202. 00:00:34Outro
Урок 203. 00:01:35Section Intro
Урок 204. 00:14:12Project Initialization
Урок 205. 00:17:34Explaining folder structure
Урок 206. 00:14:49App Component
Урок 207. 00:13:35Decorators
Урок 208. 00:10:56Header Component
Урок 209. 00:11:57Small Counter App
Урок 210. 00:17:09Event Handlers
Урок 211. 00:09:18Bootstrap Framework
Урок 212. 00:17:17Improving header component
Урок 213. 00:15:01Define colors in SCSS
Урок 214. 00:17:12Routing
Урок 215. 00:13:11Rental Module
Урок 216. 00:09:26Get routing params
Урок 217. 00:37:10How does it work
Урок 218. 00:02:52Section Introduction
Урок 219. 00:21:15Rental Array
Урок 220. 00:05:37Iterate Rentals
Урок 221. 00:17:47Rental Service
Урок 222. 00:17:17Generic Interface
Урок 223. 00:16:47Rental Item stylings
Урок 224. 00:14:41Rental card component
Урок 225. 00:11:22Output decorator
Урок 226. 00:14:24Two way data binding
Урок 227. 00:14:19Get rental by Id
Урок 228. 00:11:50Stylings of rental detail page
Урок 229. 00:09:24Pipes
Урок 230. 00:17:13Custom pipe
Урок 231. 00:16:29Attribute directives
Урок 232. 00:18:03Custom NG IF Directive
Урок 233. 00:12:08Custom NG FOR Directive
Урок 234. 00:12:21Login, Register page + Font Awesome
Урок 235. 00:01:49Section Outro
Урок 236. 00:01:48Section Intro
Урок 237. 00:08:32Http Module
Урок 238. 00:09:34Proxy Configuration
Урок 239. 00:10:31Login and Register layout
Урок 240. 00:19:51Template forms + get data from form
Урок 241. 00:17:40Template form validation
Урок 242. 00:14:49Register form handle submit
Урок 243. 00:14:17Reactive forms intro
Урок 244. 00:11:37Reactive forms validation
Урок 245. 00:14:38Custom reactive validator
Урок 246. 00:16:08Custom Directive validator
Урок 247. 00:26:37Same as validator
Урок 248. 00:16:51Providers
Урок 249. 00:00:46Section outro
Урок 250. 00:02:39Section intro
Урок 251. 00:11:57Register User
Урок 252. 00:12:38Handle register errors
Урок 253. 00:14:55Function to handle error
Урок 254. 00:15:20Send message from register
Урок 255. 00:17:52Login functionality
Урок 256. 00:17:06Save JWT
Урок 257. 00:13:15Display username + expiration
Урок 258. 00:12:47Display menu when authenticated
Урок 259. 00:09:51Logout
Урок 260. 00:15:27Auth guard intro
Урок 261. 00:13:22Finishing auth guard
Урок 262. 00:06:20Guest guard
Урок 263. 00:04:33Redirect when cannot visit page
Урок 264. 00:00:54Section introduction
Урок 265. 00:22:30Github introduction
Урок 266. 00:24:11Pushing changes to github
Урок 267. 00:22:15Branching
Урок 268. 00:01:57Section Introduction
Урок 269. 00:10:36Init Map Module
Урок 270. 00:17:20Display map
Урок 271. 00:16:17Search query
Урок 272. 00:13:43Center map on location
Урок 273. 00:10:34Display marker
Урок 274. 00:14:42Handle error- display popup
Урок 275. 00:12:32Cleaning map component
Урок 276. 00:21:18Caching location
Урок 277. 00:02:01Section Intro
Урок 278. 00:14:46Rental create on server
Урок 279. 00:04:05Changes in fake DB
Урок 280. 00:11:33Rental "new" page
Урок 281. 00:12:48Get data from rental form
Урок 282. 00:07:24UX Fixes
Урок 283. 00:17:29Send request to create rental
Урок 284. 00:19:18Token interceptor
Урок 285. 00:04:47TomTom url interceptor
Урок 286. 00:00:36Section Outro
Урок 287. 00:01:56Section Intro
Урок 288. 00:10:56Booking component
Урок 289. 00:20:00Datepicker + styles
Урок 290. 00:15:38Booking model
Урок 291. 00:13:17Get nightly price
Урок 292. 00:11:42Confirmation modal
Урок 293. 00:17:19Time service
Урок 294. 00:15:59Get booking UTC time
Урок 295. 00:17:30Creating booking
Урок 296. 00:09:14UX Improvements
Урок 297. 00:18:02Get range of dates
Урок 298. 00:15:11Block dates in calendar
Урок 299. 00:14:03Toastr
Урок 300. 00:01:34Section Intro
Урок 301. 00:07:46Search city on server
Урок 302. 00:09:36Rentals home page
Урок 303. 00:09:36Get rentals by city
Урок 304. 00:09:12Working Search input
Урок 305. 00:00:40Section outro
Урок 306. 00:02:05Section Intro
Урок 307. 00:10:19Manage Module
Урок 308. 00:14:23Handle all and received bookings
Урок 309. 00:12:20List rentals for auth user
Урок 310. 00:09:47Delete rental preparation
Урок 311. 00:10:43Delete rental complete
Урок 312. 00:15:31Booking listing template + Fetch data
Урок 313. 00:21:30More booking listing
Урок 314. 00:12:44Delete booking done
Урок 315. 00:02:37Section Intro
Урок 316. 00:13:36Update Rental on Server
Урок 317. 00:07:36Verify rental owner on Server
Урок 318. 00:08:12Rental Update Page
Урок 319. 00:14:37Rental Guard
Урок 320. 00:05:45Editable Input
Урок 321. 00:10:24Editable Input Data binding
Урок 322. 00:09:53Control input state
Урок 323. 00:05:00Set origin value of input
Урок 324. 00:14:06Emit entity value
Урок 325. 00:08:49Updating rental
Урок 326. 00:07:44Input Notifier
Урок 327. 00:15:13More input types
Урок 328. 00:14:09Small fixes on inputs
Урок 329. 00:15:06Editable textarea
Урок 330. 00:16:00Editable select
Урок 331. 00:20:52Handle Map Update
Урок 332. 00:05:20UX Improvements - keydown events
Урок 333. 00:00:39Section Outro
Урок 334. 00:01:35Section Intro
Урок 335. 00:10:37Fix Images
Урок 336. 00:11:11Image upload component
Урок 337. 00:14:59File Reader + Image Preview
Урок 338. 00:15:42Upload image service
Урок 339. 00:17:25UI Spinner
Урок 340. 00:12:04Emit ID of image
Урок 341. 00:17:35Image cropper component
Урок 342. 00:18:41Fixing cropper component
Урок 343. 00:16:22Editable image component
Урок 344. 00:07:58Editable image styling improvements
Урок 345. 00:02:49Update server response in Update
Урок 346. 00:13:39Editable image done
Урок 347. 00:30:52TS Lint Warnings
Урок 348. 00:13:42Node Server Production
Урок 349. 00:14:36Heroku app + prod variables
Урок 350. 00:16:42App deployment
Урок 351. 00:16:52Final Testing
Урок 352. 00:00:37Section Outro
Урок 353. 00:02:42Section Intro
Урок 354. 00:08:40Server Setup
Урок 355. 00:17:30Endpoints
Урок 356. 00:15:40Post Endpoint
Урок 357. 00:08:50Patch and Delete endpoints
Урок 358. 00:06:39Routes Folder
Урок 359. 00:06:03Controllers Folder
Урок 360. 00:13:01DB Setup
Урок 361. 00:15:25Rental Model
Урок 362. 00:13:17Get data from DB
Урок 363. 00:11:18Add rentals to DB
Урок 364. 00:14:57Fake DB
Урок 365. 00:11:07Rental model function
Урок 366. 00:00:53Section Outro
Урок 367. 00:01:18Section Intro
Урок 368. 00:05:43User Routes Controler
Урок 369. 00:08:55User Model
Урок 370. 00:22:23Register User
Урок 371. 00:14:58Hashing passwords
Урок 372. 00:17:22Login functionality
Урок 373. 00:14:38JWT Intro
Урок 374. 00:14:11Middlewares
Урок 375. 00:25:18Auth middleware
Урок 376. 00:12:01Handle JWT Errors
Урок 377. 00:24:47Handle Mongo Error
Урок 378. 00:13:20Handle API Error
Урок 379. 00:09:27Fake DB Update
Урок 380. 00:00:54Section Outro
Урок 381. 00:01:18Section Intro
Урок 382. 00:11:18Booking create
Урок 383. 00:17:55Check if user is rental owner
Урок 384. 00:15:34Create booking
Урок 385. 00:28:18Check booking validity
Урок 386. 00:10:40Structure changes to booking validation
Урок 387. 00:00:38Section Outro
Урок 388. 00:01:18Section Intro
Урок 389. 00:14:20Get user bookings
Урок 390. 00:10:24Get received bookings
Урок 391. 00:20:19Delete booking endpoint
Урок 392. 00:15:17Delete rental endpoint
Урок 393. 00:00:43Section Outro
Урок 394. 00:01:26Section Intro
Урок 395. 00:10:57Image Upload route
Урок 396. 00:27:23Multer init
Урок 397. 00:11:33From buffer to string
Урок 398. 00:14:19Cloudinary
Урок 399. 00:11:17Image Model
Урок 400. 00:13:02Fake DB Update
Урок 401. 00:05:40Populate images
Урок 402. 00:00:50Section Outro
Урок 403. 00:00:28Course Outro
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