Урок 1. 00:01:28Introduction
Урок 2. 00:01:08IDE
Урок 3. 00:01:50Don't know ES6 ? ..watch this.
Урок 4. 00:02:50Starting with VUE JS
Урок 5. 00:12:06The EL and the DATA
Урок 6. 00:03:57Using Methods
Урок 7. 00:09:05Directives
Урок 8. 00:10:43Conditional rendering
Урок 9. 00:11:24Using Loops
Урок 10. 00:04:01Rendering and Re-rendering
Урок 11. 00:07:03Working with Events
Урок 12. 00:08:09Arguments and modifiers
Урок 13. 00:03:03Keyboard events
Урок 14. 00:08:50Using the V-Model
Урок 15. 00:16:08Style and Classes
Урок 16. 00:14:24Computed and watchers
Урок 17. 00:02:07Using shorthands
Урок 18. 00:11:42More on the Vue instance
Урок 19. 00:04:37Refs
Урок 20. 00:14:21Mounting and unmounting
Урок 21. 00:09:51The importance of Lifecycles
Урок 22. 00:14:45Creating the instance and adding names
Урок 23. 00:04:22Pills and buttons
Урок 24. 00:07:00Getting results
Урок 25. 00:05:53Finishing the app
Урок 26. 00:02:14Installing NODE JS - MAC users
Урок 27. 00:02:42Installing NODE JS - WINDOWS users
Урок 28. 00:16:21Using the CLI to generate templates
Урок 29. 00:10:58Starting a new project
Урок 30. 00:11:36Using components
Урок 31. 00:08:52Adding styles to components
Урок 32. 00:17:06Vue js PROPS
Урок 33. 00:09:02Updating PROPS
Урок 34. 00:13:42From child to child
Урок 35. 00:10:14Using Slots
Урок 36. 00:09:20Using Slots..continued
Урок 37. 00:15:04Working with Forms
Урок 38. 00:10:34Working with Forms 2
Урок 39. 00:05:22Working with Forms 3
Урок 40. 00:13:19Dynamic components
Урок 41. 00:17:21Custom directives
Урок 42. 00:09:37Custom directives..continued
Урок 43. 00:04:03Local custom directives
Урок 44. 00:20:13How transitions work
Урок 45. 00:08:17Using transitions
Урок 46. 00:07:27Transition custom classes
Урок 47. 00:19:25JS animations
Урок 48. 00:13:01Group transitions
Урок 49. 00:05:11Transitions OnLoad
Урок 50. 00:10:51Filters
Урок 51. 00:12:02Mixins
Урок 52. 00:13:11Getting to know Vue resource
Урок 53. 00:08:32Get and Post
Урок 54. 00:09:49Using configurations
Урок 55. 00:16:04Using Vue Resource - Resource
Урок 56. 00:07:12Installation and setup
Урок 57. 00:12:24Header and Footer
Урок 58. 00:14:30Creating a sidedrawer
Урок 59. 00:13:28Adding a carrousel
Урок 60. 00:09:15Menu buttons
Урок 61. 00:13:38Adding firebase and products
Урок 62. 00:10:40Finishing menu
Урок 63. 00:07:17Scroll reveal
Урок 64. 00:17:39Creating the animation
Урок 65. 00:08:57Finishing the animation
Урок 66. 00:12:17Creating the newsletter
Урок 67. 00:10:11Finishing the newsletter
Урок 68. 00:09:37Deploy to production
Урок 69. 00:13:32Using routes
Урок 70. 00:10:12Linking and params
Урок 71. 00:07:35Nested routes
Урок 72. 00:09:57Naming routes
Урок 73. 00:05:51Active and not found links
Урок 74. 00:12:12Scroll behaviour
Урок 75. 00:12:33Route guards
Урок 76. 00:16:53Introduction to VUEX
Урок 77. 00:09:03Getters
Урок 78. 00:09:18Mutations
Урок 79. 00:08:48Actions
Урок 80. 00:08:25Modules
Урок 81. 00:04:09Mapstate
Урок 82. 00:08:23Namespaces
Урок 83. 00:04:35Auth intro and setup
Урок 84. 00:03:02How tokens work
Урок 85. 00:18:53Sign up users
Урок 86. 00:03:15Finishing sign up users
Урок 87. 00:12:20Sign in and sign out users
Урок 88. 00:05:53Fixing header links
Урок 89. 00:05:36Preventing routes
Урок 90. 00:10:37Autosign users
Урок 91. 00:08:05Getting user information
Урок 92. 00:06:03Installation and setup
Урок 93. 00:07:47Header and footer
Урок 94. 00:15:41Adding a slider
Урок 95. 00:18:07Finishing slider
Урок 96. 00:08:50Adding home content
Урок 97. 00:16:04Creating the login section
Урок 98. 00:08:39Login user and dispatching actions
Урок 99. 00:21:10Login validation
Урок 100. 00:08:45Finishing login
Урок 101. 00:12:26Header links, Logout and guards
Урок 102. 00:08:22Auto refresh token
Урок 103. 00:18:50Better route guards
Урок 104. 00:09:13Creating dashboard routes
Урок 105. 00:17:55Adding the admin posts form
Урок 106. 00:10:25Finishing admin posts form layout
Урок 107. 00:17:29Dispatching actions for the admin post
Урок 108. 00:16:38Image upload
Урок 109. 00:07:50Clearing admin posts image
Урок 110. 00:15:22Fetching home posts
Урок 111. 00:03:44Load more
Урок 112. 00:19:50Admin posts list view
Урок 113. 00:12:00Admin posts lists view ...continued
Урок 114. 00:12:52Finishing admin posts lists view
Урок 115. 00:03:33Adding a 404 page
Урок 116. 00:02:40Introduction to ES6
Урок 117. 00:04:49CONST AND LET
Урок 118. 00:07:06CONST AND LET: Scope
Урок 119. 00:07:05CONST AND LET: Real life example
Урок 120. 00:03:11Exercise one - solution
Урок 121. 00:05:21Exercise two - solution
Урок 122. 00:05:52Template strings or Template literals
Урок 123. 00:07:55Template strings or Template literals 2
Урок 124. 00:04:29Template strings or Template literals 3
Урок 125. 00:02:32Template strings or Template literals 4
Урок 126. 00:02:58Exercise one - solution
Урок 127. 00:04:37Exercise two - solution
Урок 128. 00:06:48ForEach Helper
Урок 129. 00:03:35ForEach Helper 2
Урок 130. 00:04:09ForEach Helper 3
Урок 131. 00:05:29ForEach exercise - Solution
Урок 132. 00:06:03Map helper
Урок 133. 00:04:20Map helper 2
Урок 134. 00:02:02Map helper exercise one - Solution
Урок 135. 00:03:12Map helper exercise two - Solution
Урок 136. 00:03:01Filter helper
Урок 137. 00:03:55Filter helper 2
Урок 138. 00:01:50Filter helper exercise one - solution
Урок 139. 00:06:12Filter helper exercise two - solution
Урок 140. 00:03:38Find helper
Урок 141. 00:08:38Find helper 2
Урок 142. 00:06:06Every & Some helper
Урок 143. 00:02:16Every & Some helper 2
Урок 144. 00:05:41Reduce helper
Урок 145. 00:04:31Reduce helper 2
Урок 146. 00:01:42Reduce helper exercise one - solution
Урок 147. 00:05:23Reduce helper exercise two - solution
Урок 148. 00:04:07For...of helper
Урок 149. 00:04:42Fat arrow functions
Урок 150. 00:05:45Fat arrow functions 2
Урок 151. 00:06:22Fat arrow functions exercise - solution
Урок 152. 00:03:41Object literals
Урок 153. 00:04:31Object literals 2
Урок 154. 00:02:32Object literals exercise one - solution
Урок 155. 00:04:11Default arguments
Урок 156. 00:01:13Default arguments exercise one - solution
Урок 157. 00:04:24Rest operator
Урок 158. 00:03:13Spread operator
Урок 159. 00:03:49Rest and Spread exercise one - solution
Урок 160. 00:02:19Rest and Spread exercise two - solution
Урок 161. 00:02:47Classes
Урок 162. 00:03:37Classes 2
Урок 163. 00:03:24Classes 3
Урок 164. 00:04:07Classes 4
Урок 165. 00:07:03Destructuring
Урок 166. 00:03:18Destructuring 2
Урок 167. 00:03:38Destructuring 3
Урок 168. 00:04:12Destructuring 4
Урок 169. 00:03:24Promises and Fetch
Урок 170. 00:06:54Promises and Fetch 2
Урок 171. 00:07:37Promises and Fetch 3
Урок 172. 00:02:32Promises and Fetch 4
Урок 173. 00:06:37Strings and Numbers
Урок 174. 00:04:37Strings and Numbers 2
Урок 175. 00:07:11Modules
Урок 176. 00:04:19Modules 2
Урок 177. 00:06:08Modules 3
Урок 178. 00:08:08Generators
Урок 179. 00:06:47Generators 2
Урок 180. 00:06:41Generators 3
Урок 181. 00:07:01Generators 4
Урок 182. 00:05:12Generators 5
Урок 183. 00:05:31Generators 6
Урок 184. 00:05:56Using Sets
Урок 185. 00:03:59Iterating sets
Урок 186. 00:06:43Using Map
Урок 187. 00:01:51Map methods
Урок 188. 00:06:03Iterating Map
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