Урок 1. 00:02:03About Your Instructor - Nazariy Dumanskyy
Урок 2. 00:01:28Welcome
Урок 3. 00:14:35The 7 Habits of Highly Paid Developers
Урок 4. 00:04:23Should You Freelance or Full-Time Based On Your Personality
Урок 5. 00:11:49Let's Figure Out Your Income Goals To Direct Yourself
Урок 6. 00:17:04The Pros and Cons of Freelancing vs Full-Time (In-Depth)
Урок 7. 00:06:575 Ways to Generate $5,000 per month as a JavaScript Developer
Урок 8. 00:05:09How To Get Maximum ROI From This Course
Урок 9. 00:11:24How To Get Maximum ROI from the Facebook Community
Урок 10. 00:01:21Your War Plan for the JavaScript Crash Course
Урок 11. 00:05:28Why Learn Javascript, And Where Can We Use It?
Урок 12. 00:02:06Overview of Project: Guess the Number Game
Урок 13. 00:03:31How to Run Javascript Code
Урок 14. 00:08:37Manipulate the DOM with JavaScript
Урок 15. 00:06:17Numbers in JavaScript
Урок 16. 00:11:18Functions in JavaScript
Урок 17. 00:05:40While vs. For Loops in JavaScript
Урок 18. 00:04:29Data Types in JavaScript
Урок 19. 00:07:37Strings (Common Methods)
Урок 20. 00:18:32JavaScript Arrays
Урок 21. 00:07:37Objects in JavaScript
Урок 22. 00:08:21If-Else Conditionals and Switch Statements
Урок 23. 00:04:39Learn JSON in 5 Minutes
Урок 24. 00:04:33Project: Let's build Guess The Number Game
Урок 25. 00:07:27Guess The Number Game: Retrieve User Input
Урок 26. 00:08:02Guess The Number Game: Generate Random Number
Урок 27. 00:05:51Guess The Number Game: Compare User Input With Generated Number
Урок 28. 00:02:56Guess The Number Game: Create Function To Compare Result
Урок 29. 00:08:14Guess The Number Game: Create The Main Dialog To Show Result
Урок 30. 00:02:38Guess The Number Game: Connect Result Logic With Dialog
Урок 31. 00:04:58Guess The Number Game: Save User Guess History
Урок 32. 00:14:07Guess The Number Game: Display Guess History
Урок 33. 00:07:09Guess The Number Game: Ability To Restart The Game
Урок 34. 00:01:57Overview of Module on Problem Solving
Урок 35. 00:11:31Challenge 1: Add Two Numbers
Урок 36. 00:04:14Challenge 2: Convert Minutes to Seconds
Урок 37. 00:07:54Challenge 3: Your Age In Seconds
Урок 38. 00:06:53Challenge 4: First Item In An Array
Урок 39. 00:08:25Challenge 5: Label Good Movies and Bad Movies
Урок 40. 00:03:57Challenge 6: Check if a string is empty
Урок 41. 00:07:30Challenge 7: Finding the Minimum
Урок 42. 00:06:12Challenge 8: Finding the Maximum
Урок 43. 00:06:28How to Visualize Your JavaScript Code
Урок 44. 00:22:12Challenge 9: Sort by Biggest Numbers
Урок 45. 00:09:56Challenge 10: How to Use Helper Functions
Урок 46. 00:01:28Project: Sort IMDB Movie Database
Урок 47. 00:06:44Sort IMDB Movie Database: Let's set up the project
Урок 48. 00:06:00Sort IMDB Movie Database: Sort movies list by rank
Урок 49. 00:05:58Sort IMDB Movie Database: Create a flexible function to sort movies by rank, id, and title
Урок 50. 00:05:14Sort IMDB Movie Database: How are strings compared?
Урок 51. 00:06:46Sort IMDB Movie Database: Create a helper function for sorting movies
Урок 52. 00:01:26Overview of Module on DOM-inate with JavaScript
Урок 53. 00:09:07What is DOM and why do we need it?
Урок 54. 00:08:50How to access the DOM elements
Урок 55. 00:04:15How to search the DOM tree for the element you need
Урок 56. 00:09:48How to modify the content of the DOM
Урок 57. 00:04:45What is BOM?
Урок 58. 00:07:09Project: Create a Google DOC like TextEditor
Урок 59. 00:08:55TextEditor: Add bold, italic, and underline features
Урок 60. 00:08:14TextEditor: Add text align features
Урок 61. 00:06:51What is the right keyboard event to use?
Урок 62. 00:01:51Welcome
Урок 63. 00:05:00Alfred - Find files and your copied text instantly
Урок 64. 00:02:58Google Chrome Inspect Tool - Pick apart web pages easily
Урок 65. 00:02:44Oh My ZSH - A cleaner, nicer, more powerful, more robust, command line.
Урок 66. 00:06:09VIM - crazy keyboard shortcuts to DOUBLE your coding speed.
Урок 67. 00:02:36Visual Studio Code - the best code editor
Урок 68. 00:06:22Stack Overflow - best community for coding questions (and fixing bugs!)
Урок 69. 00:01:19Spectacle - window management
Урок 70. 00:02:54Droplr - clear screenshots and clear communication to clients/teams
Урок 71. 00:01:26Overview of Module on Advanced Javascript
Урок 72. 00:01:42What/Why ES6+?
Урок 73. 00:06:59ES6+: Using Let & Const to correctly define variables and their scope
Урок 74. 00:03:51ES6+: Template Literals for easier concatenation of strings
Урок 75. 00:03:53ES6+: Using Arrow Functions to define functions easier
Урок 76. 00:02:51ES6+: Setting Default Parameters in functions
Урок 77. 00:09:42ES6+: Simpler ways for iterating over arrays and objects
Урок 78. 00:04:47ES6+: Deconstructing Objects
Урок 79. 00:08:05Challenge: Convert TextEditor Project to ES6+
Урок 80. 00:06:10ES6+: Using promises to run code in the future
Урок 81. 00:09:37ES6+: Fetching data from an API
Урок 82. 00:05:12Project: Create a Weather App
Урок 83. 00:07:47Weather App: Fetch weather data from API
Урок 84. 00:03:25Weather App: Get weather data based on user input
Урок 85. 00:05:51Weather App: Display weather data
Урок 86. 00:01:36Overview of Module on Object-Oriented Programming
Урок 87. 00:04:54What is OOP? Why do we need to learn it?
Урок 88. 00:10:48Creating Objects for containing data and methods
Урок 89. 00:04:55Everything is an object in Javascript! Almost...
Урок 90. 00:09:33Creating Classes
Урок 91. 00:04:31Inheriting from other Classes
Урок 92. 00:02:01Project: BeatBoxJS Intro
Урок 93. 00:03:23BeatBoxJS: Setting up the project using GitHub
Урок 94. 00:06:57BeatBoxJS: Listening on keystrokes
Урок 95. 00:04:16BeatBoxJS: Creating a Beat Class to play audio files
Урок 96. 00:05:27BeatBoxJS: Connecting keypress to the playing of audio
Урок 97. 00:19:48BeatBoxJS: Create Button class to represent button colors and transitions
Урок 98. 00:05:36BeatBoxJS: Finishing up
Урок 99. 00:57:00Feb 6 Live Call - Student Introductions and Answering Questions
Урок 100. 02:56:47Feb 22 Coding Live Call - Teaching the Process of Creating the Guess The Number Game
Урок 101. 01:07:18March 21 - Google Maps Project Explanation/Catch Up
Урок 102. 01:59:58March 28 - How to turn your idea into a reality
Урок 103. 01:34:30April 4 - ES6 String Literals, CSS & FlexBox
Урок 104. 01:35:06April 11 - Problem Solving Algorithm Questions to prepare for developer interviews
Урок 105. 01:42:39April 19 - Solving Diagonal Difference Algorithm Question From Homework on April 11
Урок 106. 00:02:45Module Intro
Урок 107. 00:05:56Project: My Blog Intro
Урок 108. 00:17:18Blog App: Creating a Software Requirements Document to give to our clients
Урок 109. 00:06:25Blog App: Learning to create our first Wireframe
Урок 110. 00:03:48Blog App: Setting up the project files
Урок 111. 00:07:35Using the power of Flexbox to build any layout on the web
Урок 112. 00:24:30Blog App: Creating the Home Page base structure
Урок 113. 00:15:24Blog App: Creating the Blog Post html and style
Урок 114. 00:11:15Blog App: Learning to add transitions and hover effects
Урок 115. 00:10:51Blog App: Complete Individual Post structure and styling
Урок 116. 00:05:02What is a REST API?
Урок 117. 00:07:22Blog App: Creating your first NodeJS Server API
Урок 118. 00:02:15Blog App: Creating API Endpoint to return a list of posts
Урок 119. 00:08:03Blog App: Reading data from JSON file in NodeJS
Урок 120. 00:13:05Blog App: Creating API Endpoint to get an individual blog post
Урок 121. 00:18:06Blog App: Connecting Home Page with API Data
Урок 122. 00:16:30Blog App: Connecting Post Page with API Data
Урок 123. 00:18:18Blog App: Uploading images to NodeJS API
Урок 124. 00:13:19Blog App: Posting a new Blog Post to the API (WE ARE DONE )
Урок 125. 00:08:04Blackjack and Intro Projects (Your Projects/Challenges For This Module)
Урок 126. 00:33:25Mini-Project 1: Your Age In Days
Урок 127. 00:32:08Mini-Project 2: Random Cat Generator
Урок 128. 00:16:05Mini-Project 3: Rock Paper Scissors (Part 1)
Урок 129. 00:59:14Mini-Project 3: Rock Paper Scissors (Part 2)
Урок 130. 00:42:00Mini-Task: Changing the color of all buttons
Урок 131. 00:05:29How Blackjack Works
Урок 132. 00:19:45Writing the HTML for Blackjack
Урок 133. 00:23:27Writing the CSS for Blackjack
Урок 134. 00:38:07Blackjack: Part 1
Урок 135. 00:28:38Blackjack: Part 2
Урок 136. 00:27:40Blackjack: Part 3
Урок 137. 00:18:33Blackjack: Part 4
Урок 138. 00:17:06Blackjack: Part 5
Урок 139. 00:08:31Blackjack: Part 6
Урок 140. 00:01:52Module Intro
Урок 141. 00:05:01Project: Twitter Clone Intro
Урок 142. 00:28:14Twitter Clone: Creating a Software Requirements Document to provide a foundation for the project
Урок 143. 00:10:13Twitter Clone: Building a Wireframe
Урок 144. 00:05:42Twitter Clone: Create a Twitter Developer Account
Урок 145. 00:34:07Twitter Clone: Connecting to Twitter API
Урок 146. 00:04:17Twitter Clone: Setting up the files
Урок 147. 00:07:12Twitter Clone: Using Mockup files as a Front End Developer
Урок 148. 00:23:58Twitter Clone: Creating the Page Structure
Урок 149. 00:16:58Twitter Clone: Create HTML and Style for Navigation
Урок 150. 00:14:11Twitter Clone: Create HTML and Style for Input Box
Урок 151. 00:25:58Twitter Clone: Creating HTML and Style for Individual Tweet
Урок 152. 00:20:59Twitter Clone: Creating HTML and Style for Trending Box
Урок 153. 00:05:20Twitter Clone: Setting up NodeJS Server
Урок 154. 00:12:44Twitter Clone: Create API endpoint to receive Twitter Data
Урок 155. 00:06:32Twitter Clone: Create helper function to move Twitter API Logic
Урок 156. 00:05:15Twitter Clone: Saving secure API tokens in a .env file
Урок 157. 00:05:41Twitter Clone: Retrieve data from our API on the APP
Урок 158. 00:10:03Twitter Clone: Retrieving Twitter data based on user search input
Урок 159. 00:10:56Twitter Clone: Showing tweets based on API Data
Урок 160. 00:22:58Twitter Clone: Showing Tweet Images
Урок 161. 00:10:57Twitter Clone: Showing Tweet Videos and Gifs
Урок 162. 00:04:24Twitter Clone: Showing tweet user info
Урок 163. 00:04:26Twitter Clone: Using momentjs to show created date of tweet
Урок 164. 00:04:48Twitter Clone: Allowing users to search using trends
Урок 165. 00:06:26Twitter Clone: Creating the Next Page Button
Урок 166. 00:16:19Twitter Clone: Showing Next Page of Tweets
Урок 167. 00:12:12Twitter Clone: Clean Up (WE ARE DONE)
Урок 168. 00:03:10Module Intro
Урок 169. 00:05:26Project: Google Maps App Intro
Урок 170. 00:29:17Google Maps: Creating a Software Requirements Document to provide a foundation for the project
Урок 171. 00:11:18Google Maps: Creating the Wireframe
Урок 172. 00:06:48Google Maps: Get your own Google Maps API Key
Урок 173. 00:02:00Google Maps: Using Mockup Files as a Developer
Урок 174. 00:04:04Google Maps: Setting up the files for the Google Maps Store Locator App
Урок 175. 00:11:57Google Maps: Import Google Maps into our project
Урок 176. 00:04:38Google Maps: Create HTML and STYLE for the header
Урок 177. 00:12:15Google Maps: Create HTML and STYLE for zip code input
Урок 178. 00:05:26Google Maps: Create HTML and STYLE for stores list container
Урок 179. 00:05:04Google Maps: Create your FIRST marker on the map
Урок 180. 00:05:37Google Maps: Set up NodeJS API
Урок 183. 00:08:40Google Maps: Get your own Stores data
Урок 184. 00:04:55Google Maps: What is a NoSQL Database(MongoDB)?
Урок 185. 00:04:51Google Maps: Create a POST API endpoint to save our data
Урок 186. 00:12:24Google Maps: Create YOUR FIRST MongoDB Database
Урок 187. 00:14:04Google Maps: Connect to MongoDB Database with Mongoose
Урок 188. 00:03:33Google Maps: Create a Store Model in MongoDB and SAVE our first Object
Урок 189. 00:14:16Google Map: Delete and Save real data in MongoDB Database
Урок 190. 00:24:27Google Maps: Get real STORE data from MongoDB Database
Урок 191. 00:18:07Google Maps: Show markers on Google Map of all STORES from API
Урок 192. 00:08:09Google Maps: Add InfoWindow to every store marker
Урок 193. 00:07:45Google Maps: Add HTML and STYLE for individual store
Урок 194. 00:19:02Google Maps: Show the full list of stores from the API
Урок 195. 00:02:21Google Maps: Open Info Window of a marker on the selection of a store
Урок 196. 00:09:01Google Maps: Find Stores around zip code using MongoDB and Google Maps Geocoding API
Урок 197. 00:07:57Google Maps: Use ASYNC/AWAIT to cleanly refactor API code
Урок 197. 00:07:57WHAT is ASYNC/AWAIT?
Урок 198. 00:09:57Google Maps: Add Starter Screen (WE ARE DONE!)
Урок 198. 00:09:57Google Maps: Implement search by zip code on the app
Урок 199. 02:56:47Feb 22 Coding Live Call - Teaching the Process of Creating the Guess The Number Game
Урок 200. 01:55:32April 25 - Starting COVID-19 Project Part 1
Урок 201. 02:41:25May 2, 2019 - COVID Tracker Part 2
Урок 202. 03:42:09May 9, 2020 - COVID Tracker Part 3 - Adding LIVE COVID data to the map
Урок 203. 02:06:27May 16, 2020 - 7-Figure Freelance Developer Interview
Урок 204. 02:24:15May 7 - Success Coaches that will skyrocket your knowledge in JavaScript
Урок 205. 02:14:45May 14 - Creating a Pokemon Card with CSS, HTML
- Категории
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please update the course as soon as possible please
Thanks in advance