Этот материал находится в платной подписке. Оформи премиум подписку и смотри или слушай Design Microservices Architecture with Patterns & Principles, а также все другие курсы, прямо сейчас!
  • Урок 1. 00:07:53
  • Урок 2. 00:03:18
    Architecture Design Journey - Evolution of Architectures
  • Урок 3. 00:05:07
    Way of Learning - The Course Flow
  • Урок 4. 00:05:15
    Choosing the Right Architecture for your Application
  • Урок 5. 00:02:46
    How to Follow the Course & Course Slides
  • Урок 6. 00:01:07
    First Problem: Sell Products Online
  • Урок 7. 00:02:23
    Understand E-Commerce Domain - Use Cases - Functional Requirement
  • Урок 8. 00:03:00
    Understand E-Commerce Domain - Non-Functional Requirements
  • Урок 9. 00:03:38
    Introduction - Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 10. 00:04:04
    When to use Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 11. 00:01:45
    Benefits of Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 12. 00:03:18
    Challenges of Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 13. 00:03:48
    Design principles of Monolithic Architecture -- KISS, YAGNI, DRY
  • Урок 14. 00:03:41
    Design the Architecture - E-Commerce App - KISS & YAGNI
  • Урок 15. 00:01:58
    Design & Iterate : Monolithic Architecture - E-Commerce Application
  • Урок 16. 00:01:19
    Evaluate : Monolithic Architecture - E-Commerce Application
  • Урок 17. 00:01:23
    Problem: Code Become Too Complex over time - Monolithic Architecture -E-Commerce
  • Урок 18. 00:03:37
    Layered (N-Layer) Architecture
  • Урок 19. 00:02:07
    Design principles - Separation of Concerns (SoC)
  • Урок 20. 00:04:06
    Design principles - SOLID
  • Урок 21. 00:05:01
    Design the Architecture - E-Commerce App - Layered Architecture
  • Урок 22. 00:02:01
    Adapt Technology Stack - E-Commerce App - Layered Architecture
  • Урок 23. 00:05:28
    DEMO: Layered Monolithic Architecture Code Review - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 24. 00:02:04
    Evaluate: Layered Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 25. 00:01:52
    Problem: Highly Coupling Dependent Layers
  • Урок 26. 00:01:41
    Introduction the Clean Architecture
  • Урок 27. 00:02:14
    What is Clean Architecture
  • Урок 28. 00:01:05
    The Dependency Rule
  • Урок 29. 00:02:42
    Layers of Clean Architecture
  • Урок 30. 00:01:24
    Benefits of Clean Architecture
  • Урок 31. 00:03:45
    Design the Architecture - Clean Architecture - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 32. 00:01:29
    Adapt: Clean Architecture - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 33. 00:10:31
    DEMO: Clean Architecture Code Review - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 34. 00:02:44
    Evaluate: Clean Architecture
  • Урок 35. 00:01:18
    Problem: Increased Traffic, Handle More Request
  • Урок 36. 00:02:01
    Introduction Scalability - Why need to Scale ?
  • Урок 37. 00:02:09
    Scalability - Vertical Scaling - Horizontal Scaling
  • Урок 38. 00:01:46
    Vertical Scaling - Scale up
  • Урок 39. 00:01:34
    Horizontal Scaling - Scale out
  • Урок 40. 00:02:33
    What is Load Balancer ? Use Load Balancer Split the Load with Consistent Hashing
  • Урок 41. 00:03:49
    Design the Architecture - Scalability - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 42. 00:00:59
    Adapt the Architecture - Scalability - Load Balancer - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 43. 00:04:17
    Evaluate: Clean Architecture with Scalability - Load Balancer - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 44. 00:01:19
    Problem: Agility of New Features, Split Agile Teams
  • Урок 45. 00:01:19
    Introduction - Modular Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 46. 00:04:19
    What is Modular Monolithic Architecture ?
  • Урок 47. 00:01:37
    Benefits of Modular Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 48. 00:00:52
    Challenges of Modular Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 49. 00:02:18
    When to use Modular Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 50. 00:05:11
    Monolith First Approaches from Martin Fowler and Sam Newman
  • Урок 51. 00:01:56
    Monolithic Architecture Vertical Considerations, Communications of Monolithic
  • Урок 52. 00:02:17
    Transaction Management of Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 53. 00:01:15
    Deployments of Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 54. 00:04:16
    Design the Architecture - Modular Monolithic Architecture - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 55. 00:02:10
    Evaluate: Complexity of Presentation UI Operations- Modular Monolithic Architect
  • Урок 56. 00:01:53
    Problem: Improved customer experience with Separated UI and Omnichannel
  • Урок 57. 00:03:22
    Headless Architecture and Separated Presentation with SPA
  • Урок 58. 00:03:25
    Design the Architecture - Modular Monolithic Architecture with SPA -Separated UI
  • Урок 59. 00:01:45
    Adapt the Architecture - Modular Monolithic Architecture with SPA - Separated UI
  • Урок 60. 00:10:39
    DEMO: Modular Monolithic Architecture Code Review - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 61. 00:03:31
    Evaluate: Modular Monolithic Architecture with SPA
  • Урок 62. 00:02:24
    Problem: Agility of New Features, Split Agile Teams
  • Урок 63. 00:02:19
    Introduction - Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 64. 00:01:36
    What are Microservices ?
  • Урок 65. 00:02:43
    What is Microservices Architecture ?
  • Урок 66. 00:04:17
    Microservices Characteristics
  • Урок 67. 00:05:44
    Benefits of Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 68. 00:04:03
    Challenges of Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 69. 00:05:27
    When to Use Microservices Architecture - Best Practices
  • Урок 70. 00:04:59
    When Not to Use Microservices - Anti-Patterns of Microservices
  • Урок 71. 00:04:42
    Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture Comparison
  • Урок 72. 00:03:19
    The Database-per-Service Pattern - Polyglot Persistence
  • Урок 73. 00:04:49
    Design the Architecture - Microservices Architecture - First Iteration
  • Урок 74. 00:02:23
    Adapt the Architecture - Microservices Architecture - First Iteration
  • Урок 75. 00:02:46
    Evaluate: Microservices Architecture - First Iteration
  • Урок 76. 00:01:27
    Problem: Break Down Application into Microservices
  • Урок 77. 00:02:41
    Introduction - Decomposition of Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 78. 00:04:45
    Why we need to Decompose ? - The Scale Cube
  • Урок 79. 00:01:57
    Microservices Decomposition Pattern - Decompose by Business Capability
  • Урок 80. 00:01:46
    Microservices Decomposition Pattern - Decompose by Subdomain
  • Урок 81. 00:03:50
    Bounded Context Pattern (Domain-Driven Design - DDD)
  • Урок 82. 00:03:47
    Identify Bounded Context Boundaries for Each Microservices
  • Урок 83. 00:03:49
    Using Domain Analysis to Model Microservices and Checklist After Decomposition
  • Урок 84. 00:02:23
    Analysis E-Commerce Domain - Use Cases
  • Урок 85. 00:04:04
    Analysis E-Commerce Domain - Nouns and Verbs
  • Урок 86. 00:02:58
    Identifying and Decomposing Microservices for E-Commerce Domain
  • Урок 87. 00:02:47
    Design & Adapt: Microservices Architecture with Decomposition Patterns
  • Урок 88. 00:01:54
    Evaluate & Problem : Microservices Architecture and Client-Service Communication
  • Урок 89. 00:03:16
    Introduction - Microservices Communications - The Basics
  • Урок 90. 00:03:46
    What is Changed for Communications Between Monolithic to Microservices
  • Урок 91. 00:05:54
    Microservices Communication Types - Synchronous or Asynchronous Communication
  • Урок 92. 00:06:54
    Microservices Communication Styles: Request-Driven or Event-Driven Architecture
  • Урок 93. 00:04:40
    Microservices Synchronous Communications and Best Practices
  • Урок 94. 00:03:50
    Designing HTTP based RESTful APIs for Microservices
  • Урок 95. 00:05:04
    RESTful API design for Microservices
  • Урок 96. 00:04:01
    RESTful API design for Single Microservices
  • Урок 97. 00:06:32
    RESTful API design for E-Commerce Microservices
  • Урок 98. 00:01:22
    API versioning in Microservices RESTful APIs
  • Урок 99. 00:04:40
    Design: Microservices Architecture with RESTful API design
  • Урок 100. 00:02:18
    Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with RESTful API design
  • Урок 101. 00:01:45
    Problem: Multiple Request (N+1) for Retrieving Relational Data
  • Урок 102. 00:02:41
    GraphQL: A query language for APIs
  • Урок 103. 00:02:44
    GraphQL Core Concepts: Schemas, Queries, Mutations and Resolvers
  • Урок 104. 00:02:59
    Advantages and disadvantages of GraphQL
  • Урок 105. 00:01:44
    REST vs GraphQL APIs
  • Урок 106. 00:03:41
    Fetching data with REST and GraphQL
  • Урок 107. 00:02:57
    Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with GraphQL API design
  • Урок 108. 00:04:12
    Problem: Inter-service communication makes heavy load on network traffic
  • Урок 109. 00:01:36
    gRPC: High Performance Remote Procedure Calls
  • Урок 110. 00:01:44
    How gRPC works ?
  • Урок 111. 00:00:59
    Main Advantages of gRPC
  • Урок 112. 00:01:11
    When to use gRPC ? Use Cases of gRPC
  • Урок 113. 00:02:00
    gRPC Usage in Microservices Communication
  • Урок 114. 00:02:46
    Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with gRPC API design
  • Урок 115. 00:01:19
    Problem: Chat with Support Agent to answer Customer queries
  • Урок 116. 00:02:40
    WebSocket API: Real-time two-way communications
  • Урок 117. 00:01:50
    When to use WebSocket API and Uses Cases of WebSocket API
  • Урок 118. 00:02:08
    Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with WebSocket API Design
  • Урок 119. 00:03:44
    Problem: Direct Client-to-Service Communication
  • Урок 120. 00:03:03
    Introduction: Microservices Communication Patterns - API Gateways
  • Урок 121. 00:01:32
    Problems of Direct-to-Microservices Communication
  • Урок 122. 00:03:56
    Why should we use API Gateway ?
  • Урок 123. 00:01:34
    The Solution - API Gateway Patterns
  • Урок 124. 00:02:52
    Gateway Routing pattern
  • Урок 125. 00:03:12
    Gateway Aggregation Pattern
  • Урок 126. 00:02:47
    Gateway Offloading Pattern
  • Урок 127. 00:02:47
    API Gateway Pattern
  • Урок 128. 00:02:41
    Main Features of API Gateway Pattern
  • Урок 129. 00:03:15
    A Request Flow of API Gateway Pattern
  • Урок 130. 00:03:57
    Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with API Gateway Design
  • Урок 131. 00:03:09
    Problem: Client Apps has Different UI Requirements
  • Урок 132. 00:04:28
    Backends for Frontends Pattern-BFF
  • Урок 133. 00:03:23
    Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with Backends for Frontend Pattern
  • Урок 134. 00:02:56
    Service-to-Service Communications between Backend Internal Microservices
  • Урок 135. 00:02:10
    Service-to-Service Communications Chain Queries
  • Урок 136. 00:01:23
    Problem: Service-to-Service Communications Chain Queries
  • Урок 137. 00:01:52
    Service Aggregator Pattern - Microservices Communications Design patterns
  • Урок 138. 00:05:55
    Service Registry/Discovery Pattern - Microservices Communications Design pattern
  • Урок 139. 00:04:19
    Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with Service Aggregator, Registry
  • Урок 140. 00:02:55
    Adapt the Architecture - Microservices Architecture - Second Iteration
  • Урок 141. 00:04:04
    Problem: Long Running Operations Can't Handle with Sync Communication
  • Урок 142. 00:02:17
    Introduction - Microservices Asynchronous Message-Based Communication
  • Урок 143. 00:05:09
    Microservices Asynchronous Communication
  • Урок 144. 00:02:45
    Benefits of Asynchronous Communication
  • Урок 145. 00:01:43
    Challenges of Asynchronous Communication
  • Урок 146. 00:02:03
    Asynchronous Message-Based Communication Types in Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 147. 00:01:42
    Single-receiver Message-based Communication (one-to-one model-queue)
  • Урок 148. 00:04:02
    Multiple-receiver Message-based Communication (one-to-many model-topic)
  • Урок 149. 00:04:02
    Design Principles - Dependency Inversion Principles (DIP)
  • Урок 150. 00:04:37
    Fan-Out Publish/Subscribe Messaging Pattern
  • Урок 151. 00:04:33
    Topic-Queue Chaining & Load Balancing Pattern
  • Урок 152. 00:02:30
    Design: Microservices Architecture with Fan-Out Publish/Subscribe Messaging
  • Урок 153. 00:02:54
    Adapt: Microservices Architecture with Fan-Out Publish/Subscribe Messaging
  • Урок 154. 00:02:03
    Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with Fan-Out Publish/Subscribe Messaging
  • Урок 155. 00:03:59
    Problem: Databases Create Bottlenecks When Scaling
  • Урок 156. 00:02:32
    What is Apache Kafka ?
  • Урок 157. 00:01:11
    Apache Kafka Benefits
  • Урок 158. 00:01:54
    Apache Kafka Use Cases
  • Урок 159. 00:04:11
    Kafka Components - Topic, Partitions, Offset and Replication Factor
  • Урок 160. 00:02:51
    Apache Kafka Cluster Architecture
  • Урок 161. 00:02:23
    Apache Kafka Core APIs - Producer, Consumer, Streams and Connect API
  • Урок 162. 00:01:20
    What is RabbitMQ ?
  • Урок 163. 00:02:26
    RabbitMQ Components: Producer, Queue, Consumer, Message, Exchange, Binding
  • Урок 164. 00:02:09
    RabbitMQ Exchange Types: Direct, Fanout, Topic, and Headers
  • Урок 165. 00:01:39
    RabbitMQ Architecture
  • Урок 166. 00:05:13
    Introduction - Scale the Microservices Architecture Design
  • Урок 167. 00:04:30
    The Scale Cube
  • Урок 168. 00:04:31
    Stateless and Stateful Application Horizontal Scaling
  • Урок 169. 00:04:39
    Introduction - Microservices Data Management
  • Урок 170. 00:03:41
    Polyglot Persistence Principle in Microservices
  • Урок 171. 00:05:18
    Microservices Database Management Patterns and Principles
  • Урок 172. 00:03:59
    Design Patterns - The Database-per-Service Pattern
  • Урок 173. 00:03:51
    The Shared Database Anti-Pattern and Polyglot Persistence
  • Урок 174. 00:03:40
    Relational and NoSQL Databases - Document, Key-value, Graph-based, Column-based
  • Урок 175. 00:03:36
    NoSQL Databases Types - Document, Key-value, Graph-based, Column-based Databases
  • Урок 176. 00:02:48
    When to Use Relational Databases ?
  • Урок 177. 00:04:27
    When to Use No-SQL Databases ?
  • Урок 178. 00:03:32
    Best Practices When Choosing Data Store - Use Right Tool for Right Job
  • Урок 179. 00:07:01
    How to Choose a Database for Microservices
  • Урок 180. 00:05:01
    CAP Theorem
  • Урок 181. 00:02:23
    Problem: Single Database Server Performs Low Performance
  • Урок 182. 00:02:56
    What is Data Partitioning ? and Why we are using Data Partitioning ?
  • Урок 183. 00:04:30
    Data Partitioning: Horizontal, Vertical and Functional Data Partitioning
  • Урок 184. 00:02:36
    Database Sharding Pattern
  • Урок 185. 00:01:15
    Tinder System Design Example of Database Sharding Pattern
  • Урок 186. 00:02:48
    Cassandra No-Sql Database - Peer-to-Peer Distributed Wide Column Database
  • Урок 187. 00:04:09
    Design: Microservices Architecture with Database Sharding Pattern
  • Урок 188. 00:02:36
    Adapt: Microservices Architecture with Database Sharding Pattern - Cassandra
  • Урок 189. 00:01:58
    Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with Database Sharding Pattern - Cassandra
  • Урок 190. 00:01:48
    Problem: Cross-Service Queries and Write Commands on Distributed Scaled Database
  • Урок 191. 00:03:39
    Introduction - Microservices Data Management - Commands and Queries
  • Урок 192. 00:07:02
    Microservices Data Management - Cross-Service Queries
  • Урок 193. 00:03:23
    Problem: Cross-Service Queries with Sync Response, Decouple Way and Low Latency
  • Урок 194. 00:05:02
    Materialized View Pattern
  • Урок 195. 00:05:36
    CQRS — Command Query Responsibility Segregation Pattern
  • Урок 196. 00:02:36
    CQRS — Benefits and Drawbacks
  • Урок 197. 00:03:06
    Best Practices for CQRS and Instagram Database Architecture with CQRS
  • Урок 198. 00:03:14
    How to Sync Read and Write Databases in CQRS ?
  • Урок 199. 00:02:15
    Event Sourcing Pattern
  • Урок 200. 00:03:59
    CQRS with Event Sourcing Pattern
  • Урок 201. 00:02:51
    Eventual Consistency Principle
  • Урок 202. 00:03:02
    Design: Instagram System Architecture
  • Урок 203. 00:02:59
    Design: Instagram Database Architecture
  • Урок 204. 00:03:31
    Design: Microservices Architecture with CQRS, Event Sourcing,Eventual Consistent
  • Урок 205. 00:03:01
    Adapt: Microservices Architecture with CQRS, Event Sourcing, Eventual Consistent
  • Урок 206. 00:03:11
    Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with CQRS, Event Sourcing, Eventual Consist
  • Урок 207. 00:03:29
    Problem: Manage Consistency Across Microservices in Distributed Transactions
  • Урок 208. 00:04:18
    Introduction - Microservices Distributed Transactions
  • Урок 209. 00:02:36
    Transaction Fundamentals and ACID Principles
  • Урок 210. 00:02:04
    Transaction Management of Monolithic Architecture
  • Урок 211. 00:07:12
    Microservices Distributed Transactions
  • Урок 212. 00:03:38
    Microservices Bounded Context for Transactional Boundaries
  • Урок 213. 00:05:54
    Microservices Transactional Boundaries
  • Урок 214. 00:04:54
    SAGA Pattern for Distributed Transactions
  • Урок 215. 00:05:12
    SAGA Pattern - Choreography-based SAGA Implementation
  • Урок 216. 00:03:09
    SAGA Pattern - Orchestration-based SAGA Implementation
  • Урок 217. 00:02:23
    Compensating Transaction Pattern
  • Урок 218. 00:05:07
    Problem: Dual Write Problem
  • Урок 219. 00:02:56
    Transactional Outbox Pattern
  • Урок 220. 00:04:06
    Transactional Outbox Pattern in Microservices
  • Урок 221. 00:02:58
    Problem: Listen and Polling Outbox Table
  • Урок 222. 00:01:41
    What is CDC - Change Data Capture ?
  • Урок 223. 00:05:50
    CDC - Change Data Capture with Outbox Pattern
  • Урок 224. 00:02:30
    Implementation of CDC and Outbox Pattern with Cloud Databases - CockroachDB
  • Урок 225. 00:06:36
    Implementation of CDC and Outbox Pattern with Cloud Databases: Azure CosmosDB
  • Урок 226. 00:07:10
    Design: Microservices Architecture with SAGA, Outbox Pattern and CDC
  • Урок 227. 00:02:12
    Adapt: Microservice Architecture with SAGA, Transactional Outbox and CDC Pattern
  • Урок 228. 00:04:36
    Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with SAGA, Transactional Outbox and CDC
  • Урок 229. 00:02:05
    Problem: Handle Millions of Events Across Microservices
  • Урок 230. 00:03:04
    Introduction - Event-Driven Microservices Architectures
  • Урок 231. 00:02:58
    Event-Driven Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 232. 00:01:59
    Real-time Processing and High Volume Events in Event-Driven Microservices
  • Урок 233. 00:03:15
    Event Hubs and Event Streaming in Event-Driven Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 234. 00:03:15
    Real-world Examples of Event-Driven Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 235. 00:02:35
    Design: Event-Driven Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 236. 00:02:21
    Adapt: Event-Driven Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 237. 00:03:30
    Evaluate: Event-Driven Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 238. 00:02:56
    Problem: Database operations are expensive, low performance
  • Урок 239. 00:02:24
    Introduction - Microservices Distributed Caching
  • Урок 240. 00:01:31
    What is Caching ?
  • Урок 241. 00:01:19
    Types of Caching
  • Урок 242. 00:04:02
    Distributed Caching in Microservices
  • Урок 243. 00:01:28
    Cache Hit and Cache Miss
  • Урок 244. 00:05:21
    Caching Strategies in Distributed Caching for Microservices
  • Урок 245. 00:03:29
    Cache-Aside Pattern for Microservices
  • Урок 246. 00:03:35
    Design: Microservices Distributed Caching with Cache-Aside Pattern
  • Урок 247. 00:02:46
    Adapt: Microservices Distributed Caching with Cache-Aside Pattern
  • Урок 248. 00:02:24
    Evaluate: Microservices Distributed Caching with Cache-Aside Pattern
  • Урок 249. 00:03:48
    Problem: Deploy Microservices at Anytime with Zero-downtime and flexible scale
  • Урок 250. 00:03:07
    Introduction - Microservices Deployments with Containers and Orchestrators
  • Урок 251. 00:04:23
    What are Containers ?
  • Урок 252. 00:01:26
    What is Docker ?
  • Урок 253. 00:02:24
    Docker Containers, Images, and Registries
  • Урок 254. 00:02:29
    Why we use them for microservices deployments ?
  • Урок 255. 00:04:24
    What are Container Orchestrators ?
  • Урок 256. 00:02:43
    What is Kubernetes and why we use them for microservices deployments ?
  • Урок 257. 00:04:41
    Kubernetes Architecture
  • Урок 258. 00:04:35
    Kubernetes Components
  • Урок 259. 00:02:15
    Helm Charts with Kubernetes for Microservices Deployments
  • Урок 260. 00:06:11
    Sidecar Pattern and How Does the Sidecar Pattern Work for Microservices Deploy
  • Урок 261. 00:03:14
    Service Mesh Pattern and How Does the Service Mesh Pattern Work for Microservice
  • Урок 262. 00:02:24
    Devops and CI/CD Pipelines for Microservices Deployments
  • Урок 263. 00:03:57
    CI/CD Pipeline Steps for Microservices Deployments
  • Урок 264. 00:04:58
    CI/CD Tools for Microservices Deployments
  • Урок 265. 00:02:41
    Deployment Strategies for Microservices: Blue-green, rolling and canary deploy
  • Урок 266. 00:02:15
    Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and usage in Microservices Deployments
  • Урок 267. 00:07:54
    Design: Microservices Deployments with Containers and Orchestrators
  • Урок 268. 00:07:29
    Adapt: Microservices using Containers and Orchestrators
  • Урок 269. 00:03:17
    Evaluate: Microservices with using Containers and Orchestrators
  • Урок 270. 00:03:53
    Problem: Fault tolerance Microservices able to remains operational for any fail
  • Урок 271. 00:04:35
    Introduction - Microservices Resilience, Observability and Monitoring
  • Урок 272. 00:04:26
    What is Microservices Resiliency
  • Урок 273. 00:03:48
    Microservices Resiliency Patterns
  • Урок 274. 00:04:17
    Retry Pattern
  • Урок 275. 00:04:09
    Circuit Breaker Pattern
  • Урок 276. 00:01:11
    Circuit Breaker States
  • Урок 277. 00:03:58
    Retry + Circuit Breaker Pattern
  • Урок 278. 00:04:54
    Bulkhead Pattern
  • Урок 279. 00:01:47
    Timeout Pattern
  • Урок 280. 00:01:32
    Fallback Pattern
  • Урок 281. 00:04:26
    Microservices Observability with Distributed Logging and Distributed Tracing
  • Урок 282. 00:05:38
    Elastic Stack for Microservices Observability with Distributed Logging
  • Урок 283. 00:03:37
    Microservices Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetry using Zipkin
  • Урок 284. 00:02:54
    Microservices Health Checks: Liveness, Readiness and Performance Checks
  • Урок 285. 00:03:22
    Microservices Health Monitoring with Kubernetes, Prometheus and Grafana
  • Урок 286. 00:04:36
    Design: Microservices Resilience, Observability and Monitoring
  • Урок 287. 00:02:20
    Adapt: Microservices Resilience, Observability and Monitoring
  • Урок 288. 00:08:36
    Implementation of Microservices Architecture
  • Урок 289. 00:16:20
    DEMO: Microservices Architecture Code Review - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 290. 00:08:04
    Catalog Microservices Code Review - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 291. 00:10:07
    Basket Microservices Code Review - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 292. 00:05:04
    Discount Microservices Code Review - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 293. 00:06:35
    Ordering Microservices Code Review - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 294. 00:07:06
    API Gateways Microservices Code Review - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 295. 00:03:32
    Client Applications Code Review - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 296. 00:08:26
    Microservices Resilience, Observability, Monitoring Code Review - E-Commerce App
  • Урок 297. 00:02:28
    Introduction - Serverless Microservices
  • Урок 298. 00:05:01
    AWS Serverless Microservices with Patterns & Best Practices
  • Урок 299. 00:04:38
    AWS Lambda as a Microservice
  • Урок 300. 00:04:26
    Mapping Microservice Architecture with AWS Serverless Services for Microservice
  • Урок 301. 00:06:22
    Event-driven Serverless Microservices Design with AWS Lambda
  • Урок 302. 00:01:03