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  • Урок 1. 00:02:28
    Introduction to using the State ADT with Redux
  • Урок 2. 00:03:43
    Define Discrete State Transitions using the State ADT
  • Урок 3. 00:02:34
    Combine State Dependent Transactions with the State ADT
  • Урок 4. 00:02:59
    Transition a Stateful ADT with Outside Input
  • Урок 5. 00:02:53
    Compose Simple State ADT Transitions into One Complex Transaction
  • Урок 6. 00:03:48
    Read and Transform Values from a State ADT’s State
  • Урок 7. 00:05:32
    Transition State based on Existing State using the State ADT
  • Урок 8. 00:03:32
    Combine Multiple State ADT Instances with the Same Input
  • Урок 9. 00:06:30
    Generate Randomness Using the State ADT
  • Урок 10. 00:05:23
    Use a Pure RNG with the State ADT to Select an Element from State
  • Урок 11. 00:03:49
    Multiply Two Arrays over a Function in JavaScript
  • Урок 12. 00:02:41
    Draw Items from One JavaScript Array to Another using a Pair ADT
  • Урок 13. 00:04:40
    Randomly Pull an Item from an Array with the State ADT
  • Урок 14. 00:04:59
    Pull Many Random Numbers in a Single State ADT Transaction
  • Урок 15. 00:04:03
    Adapt Redux Actions/Reducers for Use with the State ADT
  • Урок 16. 00:05:32
    Create State ADT Based Reducers
  • Урок 17. 00:05:11
    Combine Multiple State ADT Based Redux Reducers
  • Урок 18. 00:02:40
    Initialize Redux Application State Using The State ADT
  • Урок 19. 00:03:49
    Debug a Functional JavaScript composeK Flow
  • Урок 20. 00:04:27
    Create a Redux Store for Use with a State ADT Based Reducer
  • Урок 21. 00:02:57
    Connect State ADT Based Redux Actions to a React Application
  • Урок 22. 00:02:44
    Create Redux Middleware to Dispatch Multiple Actions
  • Урок 23. 00:03:39
    Create Redux Middleware to Dispatch Actions with the Async ADT
  • Урок 24. 00:02:54
    Dispatch Multiple Asynchronous Redux Actions with Arguments
  • Урок 25. 00:02:47
    Extend State ADT Based Transitions after React/Redux Integration
  • Урок 26. 00:02:13
    Dispatch a Single State ADT Based Redux Action