Этот материал находится в платной подписке. Оформи премиум подписку и смотри или слушай Terraform on AWS EKS Kubernetes IaC SRE- 50 Real-World Demos, а также все другие курсы, прямо сейчас!
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  • Урок 1. 00:15:49
  • Урок 2. 00:04:37
    Step-01: MacOS: Install Terraform
  • Урок 3. 00:04:55
    Step-02: Install VSCode Editor, VS Code Terraform Plugin and AWS CLI
  • Урок 4. 00:05:41
    Step-03: Configure AWS CLI
  • Урок 5. 00:04:16
    Step-04: Windows: Install Terraform & AWS CLI on Windows
  • Урок 6. 00:01:12
    Step-05: Linux: Install Terraform Windows
  • Урок 7. 00:04:34
    Step-06: Introduction to Terraform Workflow using Terraform Commands
  • Урок 8. 00:05:33
    Step-07: Update Terraform manifest with AMI ID and Region
  • Урок 9. 00:11:07
    Step-08: Execute Terraform core commands
  • Урок 10. 00:07:46
    Step-09: Terraform Configuration Syntax
  • Урок 11. 00:08:11
    Step-10: Terraform Arguments, Meta-Arguments and Attributes
  • Урок 12. 00:04:43
    Step-11: Understand about Terraform Top Level Blocks
  • Урок 13. 00:03:10
    Step-12: Terraform Top Level Blocks Example
  • Урок 14. 00:04:09
    Step-01: Introduction to Terraform Settings, Providers and Resources
  • Урок 15. 00:10:30
    Step-02: Understand and Implement Terraform Settings Block
  • Урок 16. 00:14:15
    Step-03: Part-1: Understand and Implement Terraform Provider Block
  • Урок 17. 00:05:36
    Step-04: Part-2: Implement Provider Block
  • Урок 18. 00:09:56
    Step-05: Part-1: Create EC2 Instance Resource in Terraform
  • Урок 19. 00:12:19
    Step-06: Part-2: Create EC2 Instance Resource in Terraform
  • Урок 20. 00:09:07
    Step-07: Terraform State Basics
  • Урок 21. 00:04:39
    Step-08: Clean-Up
  • Урок 22. 00:05:06
    Step-01: Introduction to Variables Section
  • Урок 23. 00:04:54
    Step-02: Input Variables Introduction
  • Урок 24. 00:05:22
    Step-03: Implement Input Variables
  • Урок 25. 00:06:41
    Step-04: Create Security Group Resources
  • Урок 26. 00:11:36
    Step-05: Create AMI Datasource Resource
  • Урок 27. 00:05:31
    Step-06: Create EC2 Instance Resource
  • Урок 28. 00:04:47
    Step-07: Create Output Values
  • Урок 29. 00:08:43
    Step-08: Execute Terraform Commands and Clean-Up
  • Урок 30. 00:10:29
    Step-01: Implement Variable Lists, Maps and also Meta-Argument Count
  • Урок 31. 00:09:19
    Step-02: Implement Outputs with For Loops and Splat Operators
  • Урок 32. 00:09:35
    Step-03: Execute Terraform Commands, Test and learn about Terraform Comments
  • Урок 33. 00:09:19
    Step-04: Implement AZ Datasource and for_each Meta-Argument
  • Урок 34. 00:10:36
    Step-05: Implement Outputs with toset, tomap functions and create and destroy
  • Урок 35. 00:08:43
    Step-06: Implement Utility Project Base Version
  • Урок 36. 00:07:14
    Step-07: Implement Utility Project Semi Dynamic Version
  • Урок 37. 00:10:31
    Step-08: Implement Utility Project Full Dynamic Version with filtered output
  • Урок 38. 00:08:10
    Step-09: Implement fix for az to instance type check and test
  • Урок 39. 00:05:07
    Step-01: Introduction to VPC using Terraform
  • Урок 40. 00:11:03
    Step-02: Build VPC Manually using AWS Management Console
  • Урок 41. 00:13:27
    Step-03: Introduction to Terraform Modules
  • Урок 42. 00:17:40
    Step-04: Create Basic VPC Module
  • Урок 43. 00:09:11
    Step-05: Test Basic VPC Module by executing Terraform Commands
  • Урок 44. 00:07:09
    Step-06: Provider and Modules Version Constraints
  • Урок 45. 00:06:03
    Step-07: Standardize TF Code - Generic Variables and terraform.tfvars
  • Урок 46. 00:05:56
    Step-08: Understand and Implement Local Blocks
  • Урок 47. 00:14:44
    Step-09: VPC Module - Define Variables, Reference Variables in Module and Define
  • Урок 48. 00:08:15
    Step-01: Introduction to creating AWS EC2 Bastion Host and Security Groups using
  • Урок 49. 00:12:29
    Step-02: Review VPC changes using datasource aws_availability_zones
  • Урок 50. 00:10:23
    Step-03: Create AWS Security Group using Terraform Module
  • Урок 51. 00:06:48
    Step-04: Create AWS AMI Datasource Terraform Config
  • Урок 52. 00:11:13
    Step-05: Create EC2 Instance and EIP
  • Урок 53. 00:07:49
    Step-06: Introduction to Terraform Provisioners
  • Урок 54. 00:13:27
    Step-07: Create Terraform Provisioners File, Remote-Exec, Local-Exec
  • Урок 55. 00:05:46
    Step-08: Review Variables and VPC Tags for EKS Cluster
  • Урок 56. 00:13:14
    Step-09: Execute TF Commands Verify and Clean-Up
  • Урок 57. 00:11:00
    Step-00: Introduction to EKS Cluster Basics
  • Урок 58. 00:12:18
    Step-01: Review EKS Variables, EKS Cluster IAM Role
  • Урок 59. 00:05:13
    Step-02: Review EKS Node Group IAM Role
  • Урок 60. 00:14:09
    Step-03: Create EKS Cluster Terraform Resource
  • Урок 61. 00:10:51
    Step-04: Create EKS Node Groups in Public and Private Subnets
  • Урок 62. 00:06:54
    Step-05: Review EKS Variables and EKS Outputs
  • Урок 63. 00:16:49
    Step-06: Execute TF Commands, Verify EKS Cluster from AWS Mgmt Console
  • Урок 64. 00:07:42
    Step-07: Install kubectl, configure kubeconfig and verify
  • Урок 65. 00:11:26
    Step-08: SSH to Worker nodes from Bastion Host and Verify
  • Урок 66. 00:09:56
    Step-09: Run fundamental kubectl commands to explore EKS Cluster
  • Урок 67. 00:08:44
    Step-10: Understand EKS Cluster Network Interfaces
  • Урок 68. 00:06:58
    Step-11: Understand EKS Security Groups
  • Урок 69. 00:07:04
    Step-12: Destroy Private Node Group, stop bastion host to avoid unnecessary cost
  • Урок 70. 00:06:17
    Step-01: Kubernetes Architecture
  • Урок 71. 00:02:28
    Step-02: EKS Cluster Architecture
  • Урок 72. 00:03:47
    Step-03: Kubernetes Fundamentals Introduction
  • Урок 73. 00:04:33
    Step-04: Introduction to Kubernetes Pods
  • Урок 74. 00:07:29
    Step-05: Kubernetes Pods Demo
  • Урок 75. 00:04:45
    Step-06: Kubernetes Node Port Service Introduction
  • Урок 76. 00:07:26
    Step-07: Kubernetes Node Port Service Demo
  • Урок 77. 00:05:56
    Step-08: Interacting with Kubernetes Pods
  • Урок 78. 00:01:27
    Step-09: Delete Kubernetes Pod
  • Урок 79. 00:03:58
    Step-10: Kubernetes ReplicaSet Introduction
  • Урок 80. 00:05:17
    Step-11: Create Kubernetes ReplicaSet
  • Урок 81. 00:08:38
    Step-12: ReplicaSet: Expose, HATest, Scalability and Delete
  • Урок 82. 00:04:05
    Step-13: Introduction to Kubernetes Deployment
  • Урок 83. 00:06:18
    Step-14: Create Deployment, Scale and Expose
  • Урок 84. 00:07:31
    Step-15: Update Kubernetes Deployment
  • Урок 85. 00:03:34
    Step-16: Edit Kubernetes Deployments
  • Урок 86. 00:07:12
    Step-17: Kubernetes Deployment Rollback
  • Урок 87. 00:07:30
    Step-18: Kubernetes Deployment Pause and Resume Options
  • Урок 88. 00:04:39
    Step-19: Kubernetes Service Introduction
  • Урок 89. 00:10:36
    Step-20: Kubernetes Service Demo
  • Урок 90. 00:00:44
    Step-21: Kubernetes Declarative Way Introduction
  • Урок 91. 00:10:03
    Step-22: YAML Basics
  • Урок 92. 00:10:27
    Step-23: Create Pods with YAML
  • Урок 93. 00:06:48
    Step-24: Create Node Port Service with YAML
  • Урок 94. 00:08:50
    Step-25: Create ReplicaSet with YAML
  • Урок 95. 00:03:08
    Step-26: Create Node Port Service for ReplicaSet
  • Урок 96. 00:06:08
    Step-27: Create and Test Deployments
  • Урок 97. 00:10:08
    Step-28: Create Kubernetes Backend manifests and deploy
  • Урок 98. 00:08:13
    Step-29: Create Kubernetes Frontend manifests and deploy
  • Урок 99. 00:04:08
    Step-30: Services - Kubectl Apply and Tips
  • Урок 100. 00:09:11
    Step-01: Introduction to Kubernetes Deployment and Service
  • Урок 101. 00:06:22
    Step-02: Review Kubernetes Deployment Manifest
  • Урок 102. 00:09:08
    Step-03: Review NodePort, Load Balancer CLB and NLB Service Manifests
  • Урок 103. 00:08:22
    Step-04: Deploy k8s-manifests, Review Deployment, ReplicaSet and Pods
  • Урок 104. 00:09:57
    Step-05: Verify k8s services, sample app and delete k8s manifests
  • Урок 105. 00:05:59
    Step-01: Introduction to Terraform Kubernetes Provider
  • Урок 106. 00:09:01
    Step-02: Create TF Configs - C1 TF Settings and C2 Remote State Datasource
  • Урок 107. 00:10:10
    Step-03: Create C3 Providers TF Config
  • Урок 108. 00:09:14
    Step-04: Create C4 Deployment TF Config
  • Урок 109. 00:12:09
    Step-05: Create C5, C6, C7 k8s services TF Config
  • Урок 110. 00:09:34
    Step-06: Execute TF Commands, Verify NP, CLB, NLB Services using Sample App Depl
  • Урок 111. 00:02:54
    Step-07: CleanUp k8s and EKS Cluster Resources
  • Урок 112. 00:16:24
    Step-01: Introduction to Terraform Remote State Storage and State Locking
  • Урок 113. 00:07:38
    Step-02: Create S3 Bucket, DynamoDB Tables and Update Project-1 TF Backend
  • Урок 114. 00:09:47
    Step-03: Create EKSCluster, k8s Resources and verify TF State files for two proj
  • Урок 115. 00:09:08
    Step-04: Deploy Sample App, Verify and Test TFState versioning
  • Урок 116. 00:02:18
    Step-05: CleanUp - Destroy k8s resources and EKS Cluster
  • Урок 117. 00:19:46
    Step-01: Introduction to IRSA
  • Урок 118. 00:15:48
    Step-02: Review IAM OIDC Provider TF Configs
  • Урок 119. 00:06:48
    Step-03: Create EKS Cluster and Verify OIDC Provider Endpoints
  • Урок 120. 00:08:38
    Step-04: Review Project-2: c1, c2, c3, c4 and IAM Role, Policy
  • Урок 121. 00:02:16
    Step-05: Create Kubernetes Service Account TF Config
  • Урок 122. 00:05:05
    Step-06: Create Kubernetes Job TF Config
  • Урок 123. 00:09:08
    Step-07: Execute TF Commands, Verify k8s SA and Jobs
  • Урок 124. 00:09:07
    Step-08: Recreate k8s job using Terraform using taint, apply -replace
  • Урок 125. 00:04:07
    Step-09: CleanUp IRSA Demo resources
  • Урок 126. 00:10:39
    Step-01: Introduction to EBS CSI using HELM
  • Урок 127. 00:10:13
    Step-02: Review C1 to C3-02 TF Configs
  • Урок 128. 00:04:46
    Step-03: Create HTTP Datasource TF Config for IAM Policy
  • Урок 129. 00:08:08
    Step-04: Review c4-02 TF Configs IAM Policy and IAM Role
  • Урок 130. 00:05:50
    Step-05: Create c4-03 Helm Provider TFConfig
  • Урок 131. 00:15:36
    Step-06: Create c4-04 Helm Release and c4-05 Helm Output TF Configs
  • Урок 132. 00:09:58
    Step-07: Execute TF Commands to Install EBS CSI Driver
  • Урок 133. 00:13:30
    Step-08: Verify EBS CSI Controller and Node k8s objects in detail
  • Урок 134. 00:05:02
    Step-09: Verify EBS CSI ServiceAccount and its annotation with IAM Role
  • Урок 135. 00:12:17
    Step-01: Introduction to EBS Demo using k8s YAML
  • Урок 136. 00:04:21
    Step-02: Review 01 EKS Cluster Project and 02 EBS CSI Driver Project
  • Урок 137. 00:19:10
    Step-03: Review 01 to 05 k8s yaml files related to MysqlDB
  • Урок 138. 00:09:10
    Step-04: Review 06 to 09 k8s yaml files related to UserMgmt webapp
  • Урок 139. 00:14:37
    Step-05: Deploy and Verify UMS WebApp
  • Урок 140. 00:10:03
    Step-06: Verify MySQLClient, Test UMS WebApp and CleanUp
  • Урок 141. 00:03:17
    Step-01: Introduction to EBS Demo using k8s TF Configs
  • Урок 142. 00:09:13
    Step-02: Review Project-01, 02 and also Project-03 C1,C2 and C3 TF Configs
  • Урок 143. 00:07:53
    Step-03: Create TF Configs for Storage Class, PVC and ConfigMap
  • Урок 144. 00:15:51
    Step-04: Create TF Configs for MySQL Deployment and ClusterIP Service
  • Урок 145. 00:12:49
    Step-05: Create TF Configs for UserMgmt WebApp Deployment and Services
  • Урок 146. 00:10:20
    Step-06: Execute TF Commands, Verify EBS Sample App Demo and CleanUp
  • Урок 147. 00:06:30
    Step-01: Introduction to Retain and Resize Settings and Execute TF Commands
  • Урок 148. 00:06:51
    Step-02: Verify and Test k8s Storage Class Resize Setting
  • Урок 149. 00:07:13
    Step-03: Verify and Test k8s Storage Class Retain Setting and CleanUp 02-ebs pro
  • Урок 150. 00:06:16
    Step-01: Introduction to EBS CSI EKS Add-On
  • Урок 151. 00:14:03
    Step-02: Create EBS CSI Add-On Terraform Resource
  • Урок 152. 00:18:53
    Step-03: Deploy, Verify and Clean-Up EBS CSI Add-On
  • Урок 153. 00:13:30
    Step-00: Overall EKS IAM Introduction
  • Урок 154. 00:12:14
    Step-01: Understand AWS EKS Authentication & Authorization
  • Урок 155. 00:03:59
    Step-02: Understand about EKS Cluster Creator User
  • Урок 156. 00:05:26
    Step-03: Introduction to Provisioning AWS Admin as EKS Admin
  • Урок 157. 00:11:21
    Step-04: Create IAM User and AWS CLI Profile
  • Урок 158. 00:16:17
    Step-05: Update aws-auth configMap and Verify access
  • Урок 159. 00:02:43
    Step-01: Introduction to Provisioning AWS Basic User as EKS Admin
  • Урок 160. 00:10:47
    Step-02: Create IAM User, AWS CLI Profile and Verify kubeconfig generation
  • Урок 161. 00:06:21
    Step-03: Create IAM Policy, Associate to User and Verify
  • Урок 162. 00:04:31
    Step-04: CleanUp IAM Users, Policies, EKS Cluster and AWS CLI Profiles
  • Урок 163. 00:04:08
    Step-01: Introduction to Provisioning AWS Users as EKS Admins using Terraform
  • Урок 164. 00:09:55
    Step-02: Create IAM User TF Configs
  • Урок 165. 00:04:46
    Step-03: Create TF Configs for Kubernetes Provider and EKSCluster Auth DS
  • Урок 166. 00:22:59
    Step-04: Create ConfigMap Roles, Users locals block and k8s ConfigMapTF Configs
  • Урок 167. 00:15:04
    Step-05: Create EKS Cluster and Verify with both users
  • Урок 168. 00:02:53
    Step-06: CleanUp EKS Cluster and AWS CLI Profiles
  • Урок 169. 00:07:02
    Step-01: Introduction to EKS IAM Roles
  • Урок 170. 00:04:41
    Step-02: Pre-requisite: Check if EKS Cluster or we need to create it
  • Урок 171. 00:07:37
    Step-03: Create IAM Trust Policy, IAM EKS Full Access Policy and IAM Role
  • Урок 172. 00:06:57
    Step-04: Create IAM Group, Group Policy and Update aws-auth config map
  • Урок 173. 00:06:22
    Step-05: Create AWS CLI Profile for eksadmin1 and set it as default profile
  • Урок 174. 00:08:23
    Step-06: Create STS Assume Role Creds, configure kubeconfig and test
  • Урок 175. 00:05:01
    Step-07: Test STS Assume Role using AWS Mgmt console for eksadmin1 user
  • Урок 176. 00:05:41
    Step-08: CleanUp EKS Cluster and CLI Profiles
  • Урок 177. 00:05:50
    Step-01: Introduction to EKS IAM Roles - Automate with Terraform
  • Урок 178. 00:07:56
    Step-02: Create IAM Role with STS Assume Role Trust Policy and IAM EKS Full Acce
  • Урок 179. 00:10:03
    Step-03: Create IAM Group, IAM Group Policy, IAM User and Associate User to Grou
  • Урок 180. 00:03:30
    Step-04: Update aws-auth ConfigMap MapRoles section with IAM Role
  • Урок 181. 00:09:11
    Step-05: Execute TF Commands, Create EKS Cluster and Verify resources created
  • Урок 182. 00:08:42
    Step-06: Test Switch Role using kubectl and AWS Console for EKS Cluster
  • Урок 183. 00:02:42
    Step-07: Cleanup EKS Cluster
  • Урок 184. 00:10:50
    Step-01: Introduction to Kubernetes RBAC
  • Урок 185. 00:12:29
    Step-02: Introduction to IAM ReadOnly Roles for EKS Access
  • Урок 186. 00:05:01
    Step-03: Review IAMRole, IAMGroup, IAMUser eksreadonly TF Configs
  • Урок 187. 00:08:48
    Step-04: Review ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, aws-auth ConfigMap TFConfigs
  • Урок 188. 00:09:08
    Step-05: Create EKS Cluster, verify aws-auth, create user login profile and secu
  • Урок 189. 00:15:22
    Step-06: Test Switch Role using AWS Console and kubectl for EKS Cluster
  • Урок 190. 00:15:58
    Step-01: Introduction to IAM Developer Roles for EKS Access
  • Урок 191. 00:08:44
    Step-02: Review TFConfigs for Project-01 EKS Cluster TF Project
  • Урок 192. 00:10:58
    Step-03: Create EKS Cluster, Verify ReadOnly Access for Developer User
  • Урок 193. 00:11:17
    Step-04: Deploy Sample App YAML manifests, Test and CleanUp
  • Урок 194. 00:16:18
    Step-05: Deploy TF Manifests, Test and CleanUp
  • Урок 195. 00:06:31
    Step-06: CleanUp EKSCluster and AWS CLI Profiles
  • Урок 196. 00:03:30
    Step-00: Introduction to all Ingress Demos
  • Урок 197. 00:15:16
    Step-01: Introduction to AWS Load Balancer Controller with Terraform
  • Урок 198. 00:05:42
    Step-02: Review TFConfigs and Create EKS Cluster
  • Урок 199. 00:22:17
    Step-03: Review TFConfigs of Project 02-LBC from c1 to c4-05
  • Урок 200. 00:06:52
    Step-04: Understand IngressClass and review its TFConfig
  • Урок 201. 00:13:32
    Step-05: Execute TF Commands, Verify LBC Deployment, Pods, Service Accounts & Se
  • Урок 202. 00:16:55
    Step-06: Optional - LBC Service Account & TLS Cert Internals
  • Урок 203. 00:11:53
    Step-01: Introduction to Ingress Basics
  • Урок 204. 00:05:46
    Step-02: Understand How AWS Load Balancer Controller Works
  • Урок 205. 00:11:18
    Step-03: Create Ingress Manifest using YAML
  • Урок 206. 00:08:07
    Step-04: Deploy and Test Ingress YAML manifest
  • Урок 207. 00:10:59
    Step-05: Create Ingress Manifest using Terraform
  • Урок 208. 00:04:59
    Step-06: Deploy and Test Ingress Terraform Configs and CleanUp
  • Урок 209. 00:07:40
    Step-01: Introduction to Ingress Context Path based Routing
  • Урок 210. 00:15:15
    Step-02: Review CPR Ingress YAML Manifests
  • Урок 211. 00:10:31
    Step-03: Write the CPR Ingress Terraform Manifests
  • Урок 212. 00:07:44
    Step-04: Execute TF Commands, Test Ingress CPR and CleanUp
  • Урок 213. 00:12:38
    Step-01: Introduction to Ingress SSL and SSL Redirect Annotations
  • Урок 214. 00:04:45
    Step-02: Register a new domain in AWS Route53
  • Урок 215. 00:06:49
    Step-03: Review Ingress YAML Manifests for SSL and SSL Redirect usecase
  • Урок 216. 00:09:06
    Step-04: Review Ingress Terraform Manifests for SSL and SSL Redirect usecase
  • Урок 217. 00:14:46
    Step-05: Execute TF Commands, Test Ingress SSL and CleanUp
  • Урок 218. 00:06:19
    Step-01: Introduction to ExternalDNS Install
  • Урок 219. 00:18:28
    Step-02: Review ExternalDNS TFConfigs
  • Урок 220. 00:07:31
    Step-03: Execute TF Commands, Test External DNS Pod logs
  • Урок 221. 00:02:53
    Step-01: Introduction to Ingress with External DNS
  • Урок 222. 00:09:11
    Step-02: Review TF Configs, Execute TF Commands, Test and CleanUp
  • Урок 223. 00:03:47
    Step-01: Introduction to Kubernetes Service with External DNS
  • Урок 224. 00:10:50
    Step-02: Review TF Configs, Execute TF Commands, Test and CleanUp k8s Service De
  • Урок 225. 00:07:45
    Step-01: Introduction to Ingress Name based Virtual Host Routing
  • Урок 226. 00:16:21
    Step-02: Review NVHR TFConfigs, Execute TF Commands, Test and CleanUp
  • Урок 227. 00:07:01
    Step-01: Introduction to Ingress SSL Discovery Host and TLS
  • Урок 228. 00:08:37
    Step-02: Implement SSL Discovery Host Demo
  • Урок 229. 00:09:38
    Step-03: Review SSL Discovery TLS Demo TFConfigs
  • Урок 230. 00:06:46
    Step-04: Execute TF Commands SSL Discovery TLS Demo, Test and Clean-Up
  • Урок 231. 00:08:15
    Step-01: Introduction to Ingress Groups
  • Урок 232. 00:10:06
    Step-02: Review YAML and TFConfigs for Ingress Groups
  • Урок 233. 00:07:31
    Step-03: Execute TF Commands, Test Ingress Groups and CleanUp
  • Урок 234. 00:05:48
    Step-01: Introduction to Ingress Target Type IP
  • Урок 235. 00:06:52
    Step-02: Ingress Target Type IP - Review, Execute TF Commands, Test and CleanUp
  • Урок 236. 00:04:03
    Step-01: Introduction to Ingress Internal LB and Curl Pod
  • Урок 237. 00:09:53
    Step-02: Ingress Internal LB - Review, Execute TF Commands, Test and CleanUp
  • Урок 238. 00:08:59
    Step-01: Introduction to Ingress Cross Namespaces
  • Урок 239. 00:09:41
    Step-02: Review YAML and TFConfigs for Ingress Cross Namespace
  • Урок 240. 00:07:04
    Step-03: Execute TF Commands, Test Ingress Cross NS and CleanUp
  • Урок 241. 00:20:27
    Step-01: Introduction to NLB Basics
  • Урок 242. 00:07:21
    Step-02: Review YAML and TF Configs for NLB Basics Usecase
  • Урок 243. 00:05:47
    Step-03: Execute TF Commands, Test NLB and CleanUp
  • Урок 244. 00:11:41
    Step-01: Introduction to AWS NLB TLS and External DNS
  • Урок 245. 00:08:29
    Step-02: Review YAML and TF Configs for NLB TLS and ExtDNS
  • Урок 246. 00:07:58
    Step-03: Execute TF Commands, Verify NLB TLS ExtDNS and Clean-Up
  • Урок 247. 00:05:49
    Step-01: Introduction to AWS NLB Internal LB
  • Урок 248. 00:16:45
    Step-02: Review NLB Internal LB YAML, TFConfigs, Deploy, Verify and Cleanup
  • Урок 249. 00:13:14
    Step-01: What is AWS Fargate for AWS EKS
  • Урок 250. 00:11:52
    Step-02: Introduction to Fargate Profiles
  • Урок 251. 00:11:50
    Step-03: Review TF Configs for Fargate Profile
  • Урок 252. 00:09:12
    Step-04: Execute TF Commands and Verify Fargate Profile created
  • Урок 253. 00:05:21
    Step-01: Introduction to Running workloads on Fargate
  • Урок 254. 00:14:13
    Step-02: Review TF Configs, Execute TFCommands and Verify
  • Урок 255. 00:12:53
    Step-03: Understand Fargate Pod Memory and CPU and CleanUp all projects
  • Урок 256. 00:13:21
    Step-01: Introduction to Fargate Only EKS Cluster
  • Урок 257. 00:11:23
    Step-02: Review TF Configs for P01 EKS Cluster
  • Урок 258. 00:07:50
    Step-03: Execute TF Commands for P01 EKS Cluster and patch coredns
  • Урок 259. 00:12:52
    Step-04: Execute TF Commands for P02, P03, P04, Verify and CleanUp all projects
  • Урок 260. 00:18:05
    Step-01: Introduction to AWS EFS CSI Driver Install
  • Урок 261. 00:04:11
    Step-02: Create EKS Cluster
  • Урок 262. 00:18:39
    Step-03: Review TF Configs for P02 EFS CSI Install
  • Урок 263. 00:10:34
    Step-04: Execute TF Commands for EFS CSI P02 and Verify
  • Урок 264. 00:09:54
    Step-01: Introduction to AWS EFS Static Provisioning
  • Урок 265. 00:12:14
    Step-02: Review TFConfigs EFS Resource
  • Урок 266. 00:14:47
    Step-03: Review TFConfigs StorageClass, PVC, PV, EFS Writer App
  • Урок 267. 00:05:23
    Step-04: Review TFConfigs MyApp1
  • Урок 268. 00:16:59
    Step-05: Execute TF Commands, Verify EFS Static Provisioning and CleanUp
  • Урок 269. 00:02:53
    Step-01: Introduction to AWS EFS Dynamic Provisioning
  • Урок 270. 00:04:23
    Step-02: Review TFConifgs P03 EFS Dynamic Provisioning
  • Урок 271. 00:08:13
    Step-03: Execute TF Commands for P03 EFS Dynamic Provisioning, Verify and Clean
  • Урок 272. 00:03:40
    Step-01: Introduction to EFS File System Mount for Fargate Workloads
  • Урок 273. 00:04:32
    Step-02: Create Fargate Profile P03
  • Урок 274. 00:11:58
    Step-03: Review, Create,Verify and CleanUp P04 EFS Static Provisioning
  • Урок 275. 00:08:55
    Step-04: Review, Create,Verify and CleanUp P04 EFS Dynamic Provisioning
  • Урок 276. 00:03:35
    Step-05: CleanUp Fargate Profiles and EFS CSI Projects
  • Урок 277. 00:09:26
    Step-01: Introduction to Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler
  • Урок 278. 00:09:02
    Step-02: Apply P01 EKS Cluster changes which are Tags and ASG Full Access
  • Урок 279. 00:12:22
    Step-03: Review TF Configs P02 Cluster Autoscaler
  • Урок 280. 00:05:40
    Step-04: Execute TF Commands, Verify Cluster Autoscaler
  • Урок 281. 00:06:58
    Step-05: Cluster Autoscaler Testing
  • Урок 282. 00:12:19
    Step-01: Introduction to HPA and Metrics Server
  • Урок 283. 00:09:51
    Step-02: Review TFConfigs and Deploy Metrics Server
  • Урок 284. 00:11:07
    Step-03: Review TFConfigs P04, Deploy, Verify and CleanUp
  • Урок 285. 00:10:00
    Step-01: Introduction to VPA
  • Урок 286. 00:12:35
    Step-02: Review Prerequisites for VPA Install
  • Урок 287. 00:09:50
    Step-03: Review P03 VPA TFConfigs
  • Урок 288. 00:09:37
    Step-04: Execute TF Commands Verify P03
  • Урок 289. 00:13:21
    Step-05: VPA demo with YAML Part-1: VPA UpdateMode Auto
  • Урок 290. 00:05:03
    Step-06:VPA Demo with YAML Part-2: VPA Resource Policy
  • Урок 291. 00:10:31
    Step-07: VPA Terraform Demo
  • Урок 292. 00:16:47
    Step-01: What is CloudWatch Container Insights ?
  • Урок 293. 00:08:38
    Step-02: Introduction to CloudWatch Agent and FluentBit
  • Урок 294. 00:06:36
    Step-03: Review Project-01 CloudWatchAgentServer IAM Policy
  • Урок 295. 00:07:34
    Step-04: Review Project-02 CloudWatchAgent and FB ConfigMaps
  • Урок 296. 00:10:10
    Step-05: Deploy CloudWatch Agent
  • Урок 297. 00:05:05
    Step-06: Deploy FluentBit Agent
  • Урок 298. 00:07:22
    Step-07: Verify CloudWatch Container Insights
  • Урок 299. 00:09:29
    Step-08: Verify FluentBit Log Insights
  • Урок 300. 00:04:23
    Step-09: CleanUp CWA, FluentBit, Sample App and Log Groups
  • Урок 301. 00:13:29
    Step-01: Introduction to CWA and FB using Terraform
  • Урок 302. 00:17:43
    Step-02: Review P02 CloudWatch Agent, FluentBit TFConfigs
  • Урок 303. 00:09:43
    Step-03: Execute TF Commands and Understand CWA and FB resources
  • Урок 304. 00:08:30
    Step-04: Verify CloudWatch Container Insights (CWA, FB)
  • Урок 305. 00:01:38
    Step-05: CleanUp Sample, CWA and FluentBit