Урок 1. 00:03:28Making a GeoDjango App: Introduction & Overview
Урок 2. 00:09:00Set Up the PostgreSQL Database
Урок 3. 00:04:04Set Up QGIS
Урок 4. 00:05:19Set Up Your Venv, Django, and GeoDjango
Урок 5. 00:04:43Connect Django to the Shops Database
Урок 6. 00:02:39Create the "nearbyshops" App
Урок 7. 00:05:18Create the Django Data Model
Урок 8. 00:02:59Create the Django Superuser Account
Урок 9. 00:05:01Add "shop" Table to Django Admin
Урок 10. 00:06:35Create the "nearbyshops" View
Урок 11. 00:07:42Bonus Video: Intro to Leaflet