Этот материал находится в платной подписке. Оформи премиум подписку и смотри или слушай Animating the web with Framer Motion, а также все другие курсы, прямо сейчас!
  • Урок 1. 00:02:17
    001 - Introduction to the course
  • Урок 2. 00:04:20
    002 - About the platform
  • Урок 3. 00:01:31
    003 - Framer vs Framer Motion
  • Урок 4. 00:04:48
    004 - Comparing Framer Motion With CSS Animation
  • Урок 5. 00:01:32
    005 - Framer Motion's core principles
  • Урок 6. 00:03:27
    006 - Installing Framer Motion
  • Урок 7. 00:04:11
    007 - The Motion Component
  • Урок 8. 00:03:45
    008 - Creating your first animation
  • Урок 9. 00:06:00
    009 - Adding a from state to the animation
  • Урок 10. 00:09:36
    010 - Changing the default transition
  • Урок 11. 00:08:04
    011 - Make the animation loop with keyframes
  • Урок 12. 00:05:17
    012 - Adding interactivity_ Hover, focus and tap
  • Урок 13. 00:03:15
    013 - Build a responsive multi-step animation
  • Урок 14. 00:10:23
    014 - Build a responsive multi-step animation
  • Урок 15. 00:08:27
    015 - Motion values, the core of Framer Motion
  • Урок 16. 00:03:31
    016 - Make it bounce_ useSpring
  • Урок 17. 00:04:14
    017 - Transforming motion values with useTransform
  • Урок 18. 00:03:07
    018 - Making elements draggable & practice with useTransform
  • Урок 19. 00:01:32
    019 - Making elements draggable & practice with useTransform
  • Урок 20. 00:05:07
    020 - Making elements draggable & practice with useTransform
  • Урок 21. 00:03:52
    021 - Animating CSS variables (custom properties)