Этот материал находится в платной подписке. Оформи премиум подписку и смотри или слушай AWS DynamoDB - The Complete Guide (Build 18+ Hands On Demos), а также все другие курсы, прямо сейчас!
  • Урок 1. 00:05:05
    Course Overview
  • Урок 2. 00:04:20
    My Story with DynamoDB
  • Урок 3. 00:04:15
    What is DynamoDB
  • Урок 4. 00:10:34
    Demo - Environment Setup
  • Урок 5. 00:02:52
    Demo - Test the Setup
  • Урок 6. 00:06:38
    How to get the Best out of this Course
  • Урок 7. 00:01:00
    Section Overview - Background Concepts
  • Урок 8. 00:07:40
    Basics of Relational Databases
  • Урок 9. 00:05:12
    Data Normalization
  • Урок 10. 00:09:05
    Basics of NoSQL Databases
  • Урок 11. 00:05:17
    Types of NoSQL Databases
  • Урок 12. 00:08:17
    JSON Fundamentals
  • Урок 13. 00:06:15
    What is Node.js with 'Hello World' Example
  • Урок 14. 00:15:45
    JavaScript ES6 Basics - Variables and Data Types
  • Урок 15. 00:12:56
    JavaScript ES6 Basics - Arrays, Conditionals and Loops
  • Урок 16. 00:11:25
    JavaScript ES6 Basics - Asynchronous Functions
  • Урок 17. 00:11:11
    JavaScript ES6 Basics - Promises
  • Урок 18. 00:05:41
    JavaScript ES6 Basics - Chaining Promises
  • Урок 19. 00:11:43
    NodeJS Basics - Modules and NPM
  • Урок 20. 00:06:00
    NodeJS Basics - Building a Web Server and APIs with Express
  • Урок 21. 00:11:17
    NodeJS Basics - Creating REST APIs with Express
  • Урок 22. 00:05:58
    Overview of AWS DynamoDB
  • Урок 23. 00:03:51
    Terminology Comparison with SQL
  • Урок 24. 00:05:50
    DynamoDB Tables and Naming Conventions
  • Урок 25. 00:07:07
    Data Types in DynamoDB
  • Урок 26. 00:04:46
    DynamoDB Consistency Model
  • Урок 27. 00:10:02
    DynamoDB Capacity Units
  • Урок 28. 00:06:32
    Basics of DynamoDB Partitions
  • Урок 29. 00:03:35
    Basics of DynamoDB Indexes
  • Урок 30. 00:06:45
    Local Secondary Indexes and Global Secondary Indexes
  • Урок 31. 00:02:19
    Interacting with DynamoDB
  • Урок 32. 00:16:34
    Table-level Operations with AWS Console
  • Урок 33. 00:14:15
    Item-level Operations with AWS Console
  • Урок 34. 00:07:52
    Additional Features in DynamoDB Console
  • Урок 35. 00:06:26
    Installing the AWS CLI
  • Урок 36. 00:10:18
    Table level Operations with AWS CLI
  • Урок 37. 00:16:14
    Write Operations - Item level Operations with AWS CLI
  • Урок 38. 00:18:32
    Read Operations - Item level Operations with AWS CLI
  • Урок 39. 00:03:13
    Working with DynamoDB using AWS SDK - Module Introduction
  • Урок 40. 00:15:30
    Table-level Operations with AWS SDK
  • Урок 41. 00:13:18
    Write Operations - Item Level Operations with AWS SDK
  • Урок 42. 00:06:45
    Conditional Writes - Item Level Operations with AWS SDK
  • Урок 43. 00:06:16
    Atomic Counters - Item Level Operations with AWS SDK
  • Урок 44. 00:09:21
    Read Operations - Item Level Operations with AWS SDK
  • Урок 45. 00:13:43
    Paginated Reads - Item Level Operations with AWS SDK
  • Урок 46. 00:11:00
    DynamoDB Architecture
  • Урок 47. 00:14:12
    DynamoDB Partitions in Depth
  • Урок 48. 00:15:35
    DynamoDB Efficient Key Design
  • Урок 49. 00:07:19
    Hot Keys or Hot Partitions
  • Урок 50. 00:12:23
    DynamoDB Design Patterns
  • Урок 51. 00:04:29
    Multi-value Sorts and Filters
  • Урок 52. 00:06:57
    DynamoDB Limits
  • Урок 53. 00:06:05
    Error Handling in DynamoDB
  • Урок 54. 00:12:02
    DynamoDB Best Practices - Part 1
  • Урок 55. 00:11:53
    DynamoDB Best Practices - Part 2
  • Урок 56. 00:07:27
    Ways to Lower DynamoDB Costs
  • Урок 57. 00:09:11
    Auto Scaling in DynamoDB
  • Урок 58. 00:08:02
    DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)
  • Урок 59. 00:16:36
    DynamoDB Streams and DynamoDB Triggers with AWS Lambda
  • Урок 60. 00:08:51
    Time to Live (TTL) in DynamoDB
  • Урок 61. 00:07:09
    Global Tables in DynamoDB
  • Урок 62. 00:09:31
    Hands-on Demos and Projects - An Overview
  • Урок 63. 00:08:38
    Implementing Cross Region Replication with Global Tables
  • Урок 64. 00:06:14
    Working with Global Tables
  • Урок 65. 00:03:52
    Setting up Auto Scaling in DynamoDB
  • Урок 66. 00:12:25
    WCU Auto Scaling in Action
  • Урок 67. 00:06:17
    RCU Auto Scaling in Action
  • Урок 68. 00:16:34
    Automatic Archiving of DynamoDB Data using AWS Lambda
  • Урок 69. 00:11:13
    Using Data Compression to Handle Large Items in DynamoDB
  • Урок 70. 00:09:05
    Using Amazon S3 to Handle Large Items in DynamoDB
  • Урок 71. 00:13:05
    Caching with DAX - Part 1
  • Урок 72. 00:12:22
    Caching with DAX - Part 2
  • Урок 73. 00:06:16
    On-Demand Backup and Restore in DynamoDB
  • Урок 74. 00:11:42
    DynamoDB Scheduled Backups- Part 1
  • Урок 75. 00:09:28
    DynamoDB Scheduled Backups - Part 2
  • Урок 76. 00:09:40
    Continuous Backups and Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR)
  • Урок 77. 00:04:52
    Server-Side Encryption at Rest in DynamoDB
  • Урок 78. 00:06:58
    Logging API Calls with AWS CloudTrail
  • Урок 79. 00:07:36
    Exporting DynamoDB Data using Data Pipeline
  • Урок 80. 00:04:20
    Importing DynamoDB Data using Data Pipeline
  • Урок 81. 00:11:49
    Creating a Redshift Cluster
  • Урок 82. 00:07:47
    Copying DynamoDB table into Redshift and Performing SQL Queries
  • Урок 83. 00:09:12
    Creating an EMR Cluster
  • Урок 84. 00:06:18
    Querying DynamoDB Data using Apache Hive on EMR
  • Урок 85. 00:06:47
    Performing Full Text Searches on DynamoDB Data with CloudSearch
  • Урок 86. 00:04:41
    Performing Searches Programmatically using CloudSearch API
  • Урок 87. 00:14:13
    Updating CloudSearch Index On the Fly
  • Урок 88. 00:04:36
    Monitoring DynamoDB with CloudWatch
  • Урок 89. 00:13:40
    Fine Grained Access Control in DynamoDB using IAM
  • Урок 90. 00:10:29
    Overview of the Demo Project and Initial Setup
  • Урок 91. 00:07:24
    Creating a Lightweight HTTP Server with Node and Express
  • Урок 92. 00:16:20
    Creating REST API Routes
  • Урок 93. 00:15:29
    Creating REST API Routes - Part 2
  • Урок 94. 00:06:58
    Web Application Overview
  • Урок 95. 00:08:27
    Integrating Web Frontend with DynamoDB Backend
  • Урок 96. 00:03:58
    Adding Google Authentication
  • Урок 97. 00:05:03
    Setting up Federated Access with Cognito
  • Урок 98. 00:09:13
    Adding Fine Grained Access Control to the App
  • Урок 99. 00:06:57
    Integrating Client Side Authentication
  • Урок 100. 00:09:30
    Integrating Server Side Authentication
  • Урок 101. 00:08:41
    Deploying the Web Application and REST API to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  • Урок 102. 00:03:16
    Web Application Demo
  • Урок 103. 00:02:26
    Overview of the Mobile Apps
  • Урок 104. 00:08:18
    Understanding the Mobile App UI
  • Урок 105. 00:11:06
    Integrating Mobile Apps with DynamoDB Backend
  • Урок 106. 00:09:27
    Creating Google Auth Clients for Android and iOS apps
  • Урок 107. 00:04:10
    Setting up Unified Federated Access with Multiple Google Clients using Cognito
  • Урок 108. 00:11:42
    Setting up Google as OpenID Connect (OIDC) Provider
  • Урок 109. 00:07:21
    Integrating Authentication with Mobile Apps
  • Урок 110. 00:01:19
    Building the Android App
  • Урок 111. 00:07:12
    Android App Demo
  • Урок 112. 00:10:55
    Building the iOS App
  • Урок 113. 00:05:33
    iOS App Demo
  • Урок 114. 00:08:17
    Course Roundup
  • Урок 115. 00:02:41
  • Урок 116. 00:03:11
    Next Steps