Этот материал находится в платной подписке. Оформи премиум подписку и смотри или слушай Automating AWS with Lambda, Python, and Boto3, а также все другие курсы, прямо сейчас!
  • Урок 1. 00:01:01
    Course Overview
  • Урок 2. 00:00:59
    About the Training Architect
  • Урок 3. 00:01:17
    Course Prerequisites
  • Урок 4. 00:02:15
    Working with the Interactive Diagrams
  • Урок 5. 00:15:00
    Overview of AWS Lambda
  • Урок 6. 00:13:02
    Introduction to Boto3
  • Урок 7. 00:08:15
    Stopping EC2 Instances Nightly
  • Урок 8. 00:11:36
    Backing Up EC2 Instances
  • Урок 9. 00:08:07
    Removing Unattached EBS Volumes
  • Урок 10. 00:06:16
    Deregistering Old AMIs
  • Урок 11. 00:11:37
    AWS Instance Scheduler
  • Урок 12. 00:17:19
    Working with DynamoDB Tables
  • Урок 13. 00:13:01
    Resizing Images
  • Урок 14. 00:11:35
    Importing CSV Files into DynamoDB
  • Урок 15. 00:13:56
    Transcribing Audio
  • Урок 16. 00:08:07
    Detecting Faces with Rekognition
  • Урок 17. 00:08:31
    Creating a Queue Using Cross-Account Permissions
  • Урок 18. 00:13:25
    Triggering Lambda from SQS
  • Урок 19. 00:11:02
    Enabling VPC Flow Logs
  • Урок 20. 00:18:22
    Responding to Invalid SSH Logins
  • Урок 21. 00:18:09
    Remediating Inspector Findings
  • Урок 22. 00:10:25
    Making Public S3 Objects Private
  • Урок 23. 00:13:08
    Automating Resource Tagging
  • Урок 24. 00:12:07
    Rotating IAM Access Keys
  • Урок 25. 00:11:36
    Finding Outdated Instance Types
  • Урок 26. 00:14:07
    Building a Contact Form with API Gateway and SES
  • Урок 27. 00:08:53
    Creating Lambda-Backed Custom Resources
  • Урок 28. 00:10:43
    Using Custom Resources to Deploy an S3-Hosted Website
  • Урок 29. 00:06:08
    Working with Lambda Layers
  • Урок 30. 00:14:53
    Automating CodeCommit Change Notifications
  • Урок 31. 00:11:35
    Creating Slack Notifications for CloudWatch Alarms
  • Урок 32. 00:09:31
    Creating a Twitter App
  • Урок 33. 00:10:51
    Publishing Custom Metrics from Lambda
  • Урок 34. 00:10:50
    Tracing with X-Ray
  • Урок 35. 00:01:36
    What's Next?
  • Урок 36. 00:00:47
    Get Recognized