Урок 1. 00:00:49Welcome
Урок 2. 00:07:50What well cover
Урок 3. 00:03:35The spectrum of editors
Урок 4. 00:03:30IDEs are crazy fast
Урок 5. 00:02:21PyCharm is more than just Python
Урок 6. 00:00:59Cross-platform
Урок 7. 00:03:00Versions: Pro and Community and mapping versions to the course
Урок 8. 00:00:45PyCharm is open source
Урок 9. 00:00:57Python runtimes
Урок 10. 00:04:00How do you learn all the features of an IDE?
Урок 11. 00:00:38This is not an infomercial
Урок 12. 00:00:40Get the source code on GitHub
Урок 13. 00:00:36Meet your instructor
Урок 14. 00:01:53Project introduction
Урок 15. 00:09:08Using the EAP version
Урок 16. 00:08:09Creating projects
Урок 17. 00:08:35Working with existing projects
Урок 18. 00:01:21Concept: Creating projects
Урок 19. 00:01:48Concept: Mark directory as...
Урок 20. 00:03:59Installing third-party packages
Урок 21. 00:04:17Search everywhere
Урок 22. 00:02:21Navigation
Урок 23. 00:01:23Run configurations
Урок 24. 00:01:20Your turn
Урок 25. 00:01:28Editor introduction
Урок 26. 00:17:52Working with the editor demo: Downloading RSS
Урок 27. 00:04:49Working with the editor demo: Listing episodes
Урок 28. 00:03:34Working with the editor demo: Types
Урок 29. 00:03:04Syntax highlighting
Урок 30. 00:02:35Autocomplete
Урок 31. 00:02:34Code intentions - light bulb moments
Урок 32. 00:02:18Discovering new features
Урок 33. 00:02:07Concept: Actions and key bindings
Урок 34. 00:02:04Formatting and code cleanup
Урок 35. 00:02:41Code formatting for teams
Урок 36. 00:01:05Lens mode
Урок 37. 00:02:47Object-oriented features
Урок 38. 00:03:20Show tooltips, params, help, etc.
Урок 39. 00:00:57Finding usages of functions and other symbols
Урок 40. 00:01:45Introduction to Code With Me
Урок 41. 00:05:40Code With Me in action
Урок 42. 00:00:37Your turn
Урок 43. 00:01:35Source control introduction
Урок 44. 00:05:04Loading a project with source control
Урок 45. 00:03:00Concept: Accessing source control
Урок 46. 00:04:21Editor level source control
Урок 47. 00:03:06Committing changes
Урок 48. 00:02:37Concept: Editor level source control
Урок 49. 00:05:06Branching
Урок 50. 00:02:04Merging back with a pull request
Урок 51. 00:03:42Pull requests in PyCharm
Урок 52. 00:02:50Local history
Урок 53. 00:01:16Your turn
Урок 54. 00:02:12Refactoring introduction
Урок 55. 00:04:55What is refactoring really?
Урок 56. 00:04:45Refactoring methods and functions
Урок 57. 00:03:30Refactoring class methods
Урок 58. 00:04:27Rename refactorings
Урок 59. 00:04:22Introducing variables
Урок 60. 00:03:34Moving code
Урок 61. 00:04:17Sourcery plugin
Урок 62. 00:04:41Concept: Refactorings
Урок 63. 00:02:09Your turn
Урок 64. 00:01:22Database introduction
Урок 65. 00:01:32Why is relational data hard
Урок 66. 00:03:34Data application introduction
Урок 67. 00:03:56Adding database connections
Урок 68. 00:03:16Database diagrams
Урок 69. 00:06:40Querying data in the SQL console
Урок 70. 00:02:31Modifying the DB schema
Урок 71. 00:03:13Concept: Database features
Урок 72. 00:00:50Your turn
Урок 73. 00:02:00Server-side web introduction
Урок 74. 00:01:13The web IDE pyramid
Урок 75. 00:03:04Server-side features
Урок 76. 00:07:15Creating server-side projects
Урок 77. 00:06:04Template tooling
Урок 78. 00:06:28Template tooling - rendering tweets
Урок 79. 00:02:37Selecting the template language
Урок 80. 00:05:55Concept: PyCharm server-side features
Урок 81. 00:01:16Client side introduction
Урок 82. 00:04:02Basic HTML and PyCharm's live reload
Урок 83. 00:04:43JavaScript features and editor
Урок 84. 00:05:48TypeScript support
Урок 85. 00:07:20Front-end javascript frameworks
Урок 86. 00:07:39LESS > CSS
Урок 87. 00:03:14Concept: Client-side web apps
Урок 88. 00:01:19Debugging introduction
Урок 89. 00:05:12The debugging UI
Урок 90. 00:08:02A debugging example
Урок 91. 00:04:44Conditional breakpoints
Урок 92. 00:06:01Concept: Debugging
Урок 93. 00:00:28Your turn
Урок 94. 00:01:39Packaging introduction
Урок 95. 00:06:54Opening existing packages
Урок 96. 00:06:24Creating new packages
Урок 97. 00:03:10Concept: Packaging
Урок 98. 00:00:37Your turn
Урок 99. 00:01:06Performance and profiling
Урок 100. 00:01:08Our intuition often fails us for performance
Урок 101. 00:04:03Surveying the slow application
Урок 102. 00:05:59Profiling the slow app
Урок 103. 00:07:11Optimizing the machine learning code
Урок 104. 00:05:26Optimizing the database access code
Урок 105. 00:04:08Concept: Profiling
Урок 106. 00:00:46Your turn
Урок 107. 00:01:25Testing introduction
Урок 108. 00:01:31Why software testing?
Урок 109. 00:01:34Surveying the application we'll test
Урок 110. 00:05:30Running pytest tests
Урок 111. 00:01:19Debugging tests
Урок 112. 00:04:52Writing the core tests
Урок 113. 00:05:30Testing failure conditions
Урок 114. 00:03:23Measuring test quality with code coverage
Урок 115. 00:03:52Concept: Testing
Урок 116. 00:02:34Concept: Coverage
Урок 117. 00:00:24Your turn
Урок 118. 00:01:26Introduction to the data science tools
Урок 119. 00:03:12Hold tight for DataSpell
Урок 120. 00:00:41Tool window introduction
Урок 121. 00:04:50The TODO window
Урок 122. 00:02:23The run window
Урок 123. 00:04:19A much better Python REPL
Урок 124. 00:01:50A preconfigured terminal
Урок 125. 00:02:14Favorites window
Урок 126. 00:03:10File structure
Урок 127. 00:00:27Your turn
Урок 128. 00:00:55Plugins introduction
Урок 129. 00:02:52The builtin plugins
Урок 130. 00:04:01A 1,000 additional plugins
Урок 131. 00:04:03You've done it!
Урок 132. 00:01:47How to remember all these features
Урок 133. 00:01:03Don't forget the source code
Урок 134. 00:00:35Get the back story
Урок 135. 00:00:28Thank you and goodbye!
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