Урок 1. 00:02:55Creating our first Worker #hands-on
Урок 2. 00:01:15The Cloudflare CLI “Wrangler†#hands-on
Урок 3. 00:01:05Deploy your worker to Preview #hands-on
Урок 4. 00:00:44Deploy your worker to Dev #hands-on
Урок 5. 00:00:55Set a Dev subdomain #hands-on
Урок 6. 00:01:02Refactor #hands-on
Урок 7. 00:01:06Setup ES6 and Webpack #hands-on
Урок 8. 00:02:59Route requests #hands-on
Урок 9. 00:01:40Implement Mocks #hands-on
Урок 10. 00:02:24Augment real data #hands-on #business-case
Урок 11. 00:00:59Reduce real data #hands-on #business-case
Урок 12. 00:02:11Controlled mocks #hands-on
Урок 13. 00:02:49Mocked router #hands-on
Урок 14. 00:01:30Cleanup #hands-o
Урок 15. 00:00:37Mocked responses #hands-on
Урок 16. 00:02:28Dev environment #hands-on
Урок 17. 00:02:18Webpack config #hands-on
Урок 18. 00:01:23Remote Secrets #hands-on
Урок 19. 00:02:48Webpack Dev #hands-on
Урок 20. 00:01:22Preview & Test #hands-on
Урок 21. 00:01:20Playground #hands-on
Урок 22. 00:02:42Deploy to Prod #hands-on
Урок 23. 00:00:50Unhandled Responses #hands-on
Урок 24. 00:00:50Use cases #theory
Урок 25. 00:00:49Error Logging #theory
Урок 26. 00:03:17Error Logging #hands-on
Урок 27. 00:01:10Forced Error #hands-on
Урок 28. 00:00:24Passthrough #theory
Урок 29. 00:02:50Passthrough #hands-on
Урок 30. 00:02:10Use Case: On the fly translations
Урок 31. 00:00:37Use Case: create worker #hands-on
Урок 32. 00:00:43Use Case: Setup webpack #hands-on
Урок 33. 00:01:00Use Case: House cleaning #hands-on
Урок 34. 00:00:35Use Case: Get content #hands-on
Урок 35. 00:03:23Use Case: Build the dictionary #hands-on
Урок 36. 00:01:36Use Case: Test the dictionary #hands-on
Урок 37. 00:01:35Use Case: The HTMLWriter #hands-on
Урок 38. 00:04:28Use Case: The ElementHandler #hands-on
Урок 39. 00:00:49Use Case: Simulate Locales #hands-on
Урок 40. 00:01:24Use Case: DevTools Locale #hands-on
Урок 41. 00:00:57Use Case: Chrome Extension #hands-on
Урок 42. 00:00:38Use Case: Fine-tune locale #hands-on
Урок 43. 00:01:46Use Case: Fail Over #hands-on
Урок 44. 00:01:14Use Case: Release it! #hands-on
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