Урок 1. 00:01:35Introduction
Урок 2. 00:02:11Installing Node js
Урок 3. 00:02:47Visual studio code ( IDE )
Урок 4. 00:09:58Creating a NEXT project
Урок 5. 00:09:20Pages and links
Урок 6. 00:06:27Importing components
Урок 7. 00:06:37Creating layouts
Урок 8. 00:14:53Get Initial props
Урок 9. 00:03:56Get initial props, async await
Урок 10. 00:06:07Accessing the context
Урок 11. 00:14:09Working with styles
Урок 12. 00:09:28Sass, less, styles and css imports
Урок 13. 00:07:09Making the app look better
Урок 14. 00:15:07Query params
Урок 15. 00:08:23Params
Урок 16. 00:18:25Server side support
Урок 17. 00:08:58The WithRouter
Урок 18. 00:11:55Router
Урок 19. 00:07:13Router events
Урок 20. 00:10:16The _app
Урок 21. 00:13:33Installing dependencies
Урок 22. 00:27:51Setting a session
Урок 23. 00:18:49Checking auth
Урок 24. 00:16:57validating on the server and the client
Урок 25. 00:12:51Passing auth props
Урок 26. 00:13:45Preventing routes
Урок 27. 00:06:50Preventing routes ...continued
Урок 28. 00:11:45A better Auth ( optional )
Урок 29. 00:11:50A better Auth ..continued ( optional )
Урок 30. 00:09:49Dynamic headers / data
Урок 31. 00:08:48Api routes
Урок 32. 00:06:52Middleware examples
Урок 33. 00:12:35Creating the Auth middleware
Урок 34. 00:12:17Accessing API from the client
Урок 35. 00:17:28Installing redux
Урок 36. 00:17:59Creating a store
Урок 37. 00:09:56Dispatching an action
Урок 38. 00:07:56The initial state
Урок 39. 00:17:39Connecting to MONGO
Урок 40. 00:15:26Using a .DOTENV
Урок 41. 00:14:15Creating a schema and model
Урок 42. 00:06:53Using Nodemon
Урок 43. 00:16:19Get - Delete - Patch
Урок 44. 00:18:14Creating a form
Урок 45. 00:18:06Creating a form 2
Урок 46. 00:03:56Posting a user
Урок 47. 00:14:08A bit of SEO
Урок 48. 00:14:46Global config variables
Урок 49. 00:08:43Setting up Heroku and Aut0
Урок 50. 00:15:23Deploying
Урок 51. 00:07:22Solving mongo and logout
Урок 52. 00:04:52Compression
Урок 53. 00:06:39Installing NEXT and Redux
Урок 54. 00:14:09Preparing Redux
Урок 55. 00:13:18Creating a layout
Урок 56. 00:07:00Adding a header
Урок 57. 00:13:27Home markup
Урок 58. 00:06:38About us markup
Урок 59. 00:20:15Contact markup
Урок 60. 00:08:43Linking pizzas
Урок 61. 00:07:06Creating a server
Урок 62. 00:08:24Nodemon and dynamic routes
Урок 63. 00:07:28Connecting to MONGO DB
Урок 64. 00:09:05Creating models
Урок 65. 00:08:23Posting pizzas
Урок 66. 00:16:21Showing home pizzas
Урок 67. 00:10:13The pizza component
Урок 68. 00:10:23Global site information
Урок 69. 00:12:07Posting messages
Урок 70. 00:09:27Posting messages 2
Урок 71. 00:06:56Enviroment variables
Урок 72. 00:16:12Installing Auth0
Урок 73. 00:13:48Storing tokens
Урок 74. 00:16:29Verify user token - Client
Урок 75. 00:10:58Verify user token - Server
Урок 76. 00:08:45Preventing routes
Урок 77. 00:10:38Creating admin layouts
Урок 78. 00:11:54The Site form
Урок 79. 00:17:23Dispatching site actions
Урок 80. 00:07:37Posting site changes
Урок 81. 00:12:50Getting the messages
Урок 82. 00:05:21Messages markup
Урок 83. 00:14:35Deleting messages
Урок 84. 00:09:38Robots, urls and ports
Урок 85. 00:04:15Meta tags
Урок 86. 00:06:02Preparing heroku, mongo and auth0 for deploy
Урок 87. 00:09:05Deploying and debugging
Урок 88. 00:11:58Installing Node and using the CLI
Урок 89. 00:05:58The bundle
Урок 90. 00:09:07Starting with the code
Урок 91. 00:09:10JSX Behind the scenes
Урок 92. 00:08:26Importing components
Урок 93. 00:05:31Types of components
Урок 94. 00:10:20Adding styles
Урок 95. 00:11:40Events
Урок 96. 00:15:05The STATE
Урок 97. 00:10:46Using props
Урок 98. 00:14:04Using props 2
Урок 99. 00:06:02Props to a class
Урок 100. 00:03:43React children
Урок 101. 00:06:59More with styles
Урок 102. 00:06:35Style plugins
Урок 103. 00:15:04Filter the news
Урок 104. 00:05:38Installing routes
Урок 105. 00:07:21How it works and creating components
Урок 106. 00:06:28Using routes
Урок 107. 00:10:53Linking
Урок 108. 00:06:50Working with Params
Урок 109. 00:07:19Other features with react routes
Урок 110. 00:03:51Switch
Урок 111. 00:06:55Redirections
Урок 112. 00:09:57404 and the WithRouter
Урок 113. 00:11:15Getting ready
Урок 114. 00:15:57Adding header and banner
Урок 115. 00:10:42Bringing the HOME list
Урок 116. 00:18:42Creating the artist detailed view
Урок 117. 00:07:22Component Lifecycles
Урок 118. 00:19:27Component Lifecycles 2
Урок 119. 00:10:24Conditional rendering
Урок 120. 00:08:30Pure components
Урок 121. 00:05:44Adjacent elements
Урок 122. 00:08:48HOC''s
Урок 123. 00:13:37HOC''s Continued
Урок 124. 00:17:29Using transitions
Урок 125. 00:08:56Using transitions 2
Урок 126. 00:11:51CSS Transitions
Урок 127. 00:15:44Transitions Group
Урок 128. 00:10:23Proptypes
Урок 129. 00:08:28Proptypes 2
Урок 130. 00:07:59Controlled components
Урок 131. 00:08:49Installation and setup
Урок 132. 00:09:30Setting routes, footer and header
Урок 133. 00:20:05Adding the slider
Урок 134. 00:19:36Adding subscriptions
Урок 135. 00:10:08Adding subscriptions 2
Урок 136. 00:13:26Adding home blocks
Урок 137. 00:14:59Adding a poll
Урок 138. 00:06:13Finishing the poll
Урок 139. 00:14:43Adding the teams section
Урок 140. 00:08:55Finishing the teams section
Урок 141. 00:13:27Creating the team view
Урок 142. 00:08:37Redux introduction
Урок 143. 00:07:54Creating a store
Урок 144. 00:05:56The redux flow
Урок 145. 00:06:35Combining reducers
Урок 146. 00:07:32Creating a valid reducer
Урок 147. 00:04:44Creating an action
Урок 148. 00:12:44MapStateToProps and Connect
Урок 149. 00:05:48MapDispatchToProps
Урок 150. 00:07:58Working with Types
Урок 151. 00:07:45MIddleware
Урок 152. 00:06:59Installing
Урок 153. 00:14:10Adding redux
Урок 154. 00:16:46Geting home data
Урок 155. 00:07:06Latest news component
Урок 156. 00:08:57Other news section
Урок 157. 00:16:06Articles page
Урок 158. 00:12:33Adding likes component
Урок 159. 00:08:59Finishing the likes
Урок 160. 00:04:46Clearing data
Урок 161. 00:01:50Introduction to hooks
Урок 162. 00:13:54UseState
Урок 163. 00:13:51UseState 2
Урок 164. 00:16:43UseEffect
Урок 165. 00:12:28UseReducer
Урок 166. 00:10:00Preparing the app for the context
Урок 167. 00:15:30Context and UseContext
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