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  • Урок 1. 00:03:34
    Change a Stateful React Class Component to a Function Component with the State Hook
  • Урок 2. 00:05:00
    Use the React Effect Hook in Function Components
  • Урок 3. 00:03:37
    Write a Custom State Hook in React
  • Урок 4. 00:03:34
    Write a Custom React Effect Hook
  • Урок 5. 00:04:12
    Extract a Custom Hook into its own Module with create-react-hook
  • Урок 6. 00:05:06
    Test your Custom Hook Module with react-hooks-testing-library
  • Урок 7. 00:04:16
    Prepare a Custom React Hook to be Published as an npm Package
  • Урок 8. 00:01:14
    Publish a Custom React Hook as an npm Package