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  • Урок 1. 00:14:15
    001 Shout server
  • Урок 2. 00:27:07
    002 HTTP header server
  • Урок 3. 00:50:43
    003 Simple DNS client
  • Урок 4. 01:00:24
    004 The life of a packet (aka what happens when)
  • Урок 5. 00:12:33
    005 What is a socket
  • Урок 6. 00:13:57
    006 What do we mean by network layers (OSI model)
  • Урок 7. 00:01:44
    007 What is a system call (high level explanation)
  • Урок 8. 00:04:15
    008 Why packets typically have an MTU of (ie size of up to) 1500 bytes
  • Урок 9. 00:01:20
    009 Postels law
  • Урок 10. 00:03:54
    010 What does it mean to bind to a port
  • Урок 11. 00:04:50
    011 How do I know what socket system calls a library is making
  • Урок 12. 00:04:41
    012 The many differences between TCP and UDP
  • Урок 13. 00:08:14
    013 Latency vs throughput
  • Урок 14. 00:02:44
    014 A quick tour of netcat
  • Урок 15. 00:01:36
    015 What is the loopback interface (ie localhost)
  • Урок 16. 00:50:55
    016 HTTP proxy basic proxying
  • Урок 17. 01:33:25
    017 HTTP proxy persistent connections
  • Урок 18. 01:19:54
    018 HTTP proxy concurrency
  • Урок 19. 01:15:22
    019 HTTP proxy features
  • Урок 20. 00:23:02
    020 A brief overview of HTTP2
  • Урок 21. 00:12:07
    021 A brief history of how HTTP and browsers came to be
  • Урок 22. 00:09:06
    022 Proxies gateways and tunnels
  • Урок 23. 00:22:16
    023 Understanding HTTP headers and answering your own questions
  • Урок 24. 00:07:51
    024 Using the setsockopt system call
  • Урок 25. 00:08:49
    025 The motivation and implementation of HTTP persistent connections
  • Урок 26. 00:38:34
    026 DNS client message compression
  • Урок 27. 00:18:09
    027 DNS client reverse DNS
  • Урок 28. 01:09:19
    028 DNS client more record types
  • Урок 29. 01:07:38
    029 DNS client tracing resolution
  • Урок 30. 00:09:29
    030 Hostnames before DNS a single HOSTSTXT file
  • Урок 31. 00:05:15
    031 How do programs know which DNS server to use
  • Урок 32. 00:04:15
    032 The structure of a hostname
  • Урок 33. 00:06:29
    033 Understanding DNS zones and zone transfers
  • Урок 34. 00:03:34
    034 DNS classes 65535 alternatives to the internet
  • Урок 35. 00:09:12
    035 How recursive resolvers can be used in reflection attacks
  • Урок 36. 00:09:49
    036 What is the TTL in DNS and was it a good idea
  • Урок 37. 00:18:44
    037 Root TLD and other authoritative name server roles
  • Урок 38. 00:39:25
    038 Lossy download
  • Урок 39. 01:27:03
    039 Reliable transport
  • Урок 40. 00:19:40
    040 How does TCP compute its timeout interval
  • Урок 41. 00:15:17
    041 Whats the big idea behind QUIC
  • Урок 42. 00:17:33
    042 Did Van Jacobson save the internet (Anoverview of congestion control)
  • Урок 43. 00:05:46
    043 The basic difference between flow control and congestion control
  • Урок 44. 00:09:53
    044 The motivation behind TCP sliding window
  • Урок 45. 00:08:57
    045 Whats the purpose of the TCP handshake
  • Урок 46. 00:09:40
    046 How the initial sequence number (ISN) is chosen in TCP
  • Урок 47. 00:31:09
    047 How TCP provides reliable delivery
  • Урок 48. 00:29:01
    048 Flow control and buffering in TCP a demonstration
  • Урок 49. 01:03:49
    049 Traceroute
  • Урок 50. 00:45:40
    050 Traceroute autonomous systems
  • Урок 51. 00:30:55
    051 Traceroute ICMP probes
  • Урок 52. 01:09:07
    052 Traceroute customization
  • Урок 53. 00:18:46
    053 An overview of traceroute ping and mtr
  • Урок 54. 00:05:46
    054 Why the time to live in IPv4 is essentially a hop count
  • Урок 55. 00:05:14
    055 What exactly is a private IP address
  • Урок 56. 00:10:52
    056 Autonomous systems and the structure of the internet
  • Урок 57. 00:14:16
    057 Understanding CIDR subnets
  • Урок 58. 00:11:33
    058 The major differences between IPv4 and IPv6
  • Урок 59. 00:11:47
    059 How routers decide how to forward a packet
  • Урок 60. 00:13:33
    060 The basic idea behind NAT
  • Урок 61. 00:08:16
    061 The difference between fragmentation and segmentation