Урок 1. 00:02:33What Does the Course Cover?
Урок 2. 00:05:18Installing Applications and Creating Environment
Урок 3. 00:10:58Hello World
Урок 4. 00:12:33Iris Project 1: Working with Error Messages
Урок 5. 00:08:46Iris Project 2: Reading CSV Data into Memory
Урок 6. 00:08:44Iris Project 3: Loading data from Seaborn
Урок 7. 00:10:21Iris Project 4: Visualization
Урок 8. 00:09:12Scikit-Learn
Урок 9. 00:19:12EDA
Урок 10. 00:08:48Correlation Analysis and Feature Selection
Урок 11. 00:13:04Correlation Analysis and Feature Selection
Урок 12. 00:13:45Linear Regression with Scikit-Learn
Урок 13. 00:08:54Five Steps Machine Learning Process
Урок 14. 00:18:01Robust Regression
Урок 15. 00:15:40Evaluate Regression Model Performance
Урок 16. 00:19:45Multiple Regression 1
Урок 17. 00:12:28Multiple Regression 2
Урок 18. 00:06:54Regularized Regression
Урок 19. 00:18:04Polynomial Regression
Урок 20. 00:09:32Dealing with Non-linear Relationships
Урок 21. 00:05:14Feature Importance
Урок 22. 00:22:00Data Preprocessing
Урок 23. 00:11:44Variance-Bias Trade Off
Урок 24. 00:08:39Learning Curve
Урок 25. 00:08:03Cross Validation
Урок 26. 00:17:45CV Illustration
Урок 27. 00:20:53Logistic Regression
Урок 28. 00:05:05Introduction to Classification
Урок 29. 00:14:57Understanding MNIST
Урок 30. 00:09:30SGD
Урок 31. 00:07:27Performance Measure and Stratified k-Fold
Урок 32. 00:09:23Confusion Matrix
Урок 33. 00:03:39Precision
Урок 34. 00:03:19Recall
Урок 35. 00:02:05f1
Урок 36. 00:18:03Precision Recall Tradeoff
Урок 37. 00:03:08Altering the Precision Recall Tradeoff
Урок 38. 00:07:01ROC
Урок 39. 00:06:58Support Vector Machine (SVM) Concepts
Урок 40. 00:10:58Linear SVM Classification
Урок 41. 00:05:04Polynomial Kernel
Урок 42. 00:08:18Radial Basis Function
Урок 43. 00:08:05Support Vector Regression
Урок 44. 00:06:28Introduction to Decision Tree
Урок 45. 00:06:39Training and Visualizing a Decision Tree
Урок 46. 00:08:07Visualizing Boundary
Урок 47. 00:05:09Tree Regression, Regularization and Over Fitting
Урок 48. 00:04:50End to End Modeling
Урок 49. 00:24:02Project HR
Урок 50. 00:10:08Project HR with Google Colab
Урок 51. 00:04:58Ensemble Learning Methods Introduction
Урок 52. 00:20:59Bagging
Урок 53. 00:10:14Random Forests and Extra-Trees
Урок 54. 00:06:32AdaBoost
Урок 55. 00:03:01Gradient Boosting Machine
Урок 56. 00:02:46XGBoost Installation
Урок 57. 00:04:41XGBoost
Урок 58. 00:08:10Project HR - Human Resources Analytics
Урок 59. 00:06:23Ensemble of Ensembles Part 1
Урок 60. 00:04:54Ensemble of ensembles Part 2
Урок 61. 00:09:55kNN Introduction
Урок 62. 00:08:51Project Cancer Detection
Урок 63. 00:20:13Project Cancer Detection Part 1
Урок 64. 00:04:39Dimensionality Reduction Concept
Урок 65. 00:07:18PCA Introduction
Урок 66. 00:06:27Project Wine
Урок 67. 00:05:35Kernel PCA
Урок 68. 00:03:31Kernel PCA Demo
Урок 69. 00:05:37LDA vs PCA
Урок 70. 00:03:55Project Abalone
Урок 71. 00:15:56Clustering
Урок 72. 00:09:04k_Means Clustering
Урок 73. 00:21:31Estimating Simple Function with Neural Networks
Урок 74. 00:07:02Neural Network Architecture
Урок 75. 00:21:20Motivational Example - Project MNIST
Урок 76. 00:10:21Binary Classification Problem
Урок 77. 00:11:00Natural Language Processing - Binary Classification
Урок 78. 00:02:32Introduction to Neural Networks
Урок 79. 00:04:22Differences between Classical Programming and Machine Learning
Урок 80. 00:10:40Learning Representations
Урок 81. 00:19:11What is Deep Learning
Урок 82. 00:11:10Learning Neural Networks
Урок 83. 00:02:52Why Now?
Урок 84. 00:04:45Building Block Introduction
Урок 85. 00:04:00Tensors
Урок 86. 00:17:20Tensor Operations
Урок 87. 00:11:56Gradient Based Optimization
Урок 88. 00:04:29Getting Started with Neural Network and Deep Learning Libraries
Урок 89. 00:10:08Categories of Machine Learning
Урок 90. 00:15:23Over and Under Fitting
Урок 91. 00:04:55Machine Learning Workflow
Урок 92. 00:03:57Outline
Урок 93. 00:08:15Neural Network Revision
Урок 94. 00:07:32Motivational Example
Урок 95. 00:14:16Visualizing CNN
Урок 96. 00:05:55Understanding CNN
Урок 97. 00:05:51Layer - Input
Урок 98. 00:17:16Layer - Filter
Урок 99. 00:06:42Activation Function
Урок 100. 00:11:12Pooling, Flatten, Dense
Урок 101. 00:13:52Training Your CNN 1
Урок 102. 00:18:36Training Your CNN 2
Урок 103. 00:01:26Loading Previously Trained Model
Урок 104. 00:09:09Model Performance Comparison
Урок 105. 00:02:48Data Augmentation
Урок 106. 00:11:04Transfer Learning
Урок 107. 00:11:16Feature Extraction
Урок 108. 00:05:11State of the Art Tools
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